Dear Sam Part 2 (Sam X Reader)

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Dear Sam,

Ever since I saw you in that bar I can't get you out of my head. Memories just keep flooding back to me. I can still remember when we met. We basically grew up together when our parents would drop us at Bobby's together. I remember Dean would always help Bobby around the junkyard while we stayed inside and played with what little toys we had.

I remember one time we spent a whole day building a house out of the small legos. I wonder whatever happened to it? Maybe Bobby kept it. I remember one year shortly after Christmas we all met up at Bobby's because our parents were working a case together. You gave me a Sapphire Barbie. Apparently, Dean had stolen it trying to give the illusion that your dad had been there.

I still have that doll, Sam. I carry her in my bag at all times. It's like carrying a part of you with me I guess. Is that weird? Maybe but I don't care. It was a gift from you and it means so much to me. Even now, when I find myself missing you I pick her up and brush her hair. I use to do that when you would tell stories. And now I can't help but wish I was with you. Brushing my hands through your hair. But I know that'll never happen.

I guess back then our bond formed from friendship and then as we got older into something more. But it wasn't strong enough to keep you from hurting me like you did. I guess things just work out like that. But I wonder Sam, do our memories ever cross your mind?

Love always,


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