Sam X Reader Imagine #36 (REQUESTED)

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This was a request by awesomesusiebstuff. They requested this imagine for a friend who is fighting cancer. I did not have the heart to say no. It would have been disrespectful really. So please if stories dealing with illnesses lke cancer bother you you may not want to read. It's not graphic at all though. If I have any readers fighting this awful disease or any other diseases I am rooting for you and I love you with all my heart. Don't give up please.

You sat there stunned. Just staring at the result papers the doctor showed you. You had been feeling weird for a while and had some blood work done but you never thought the results would be this shocking. Your body shook as you read the dreaded word again. Cancer. You didn't notice you were crying until Sam wrapped his arms around you. Trying his best to soothe you and letting you know you weren't in this alone.

Later that day you were standing in the bunker bathroom staring at yourself. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. You looked pale and tired. Even your hair was a mess. You teared up at the thought of losing your hair. Than you scolded yourself. You were in a fight for your life and if the meant losing your hair then so be it. Before you could even register what you were doing you grabbed the electronic razor from the basket on the back of the toilet. You plugged it in and turned it on. Soon your hair started falling to the ground. You stared at yourself after you were done. What had you done? You ran out of the bathroom and locked yourself in your's and Sam's room.

Sam heard the door slam and ran to check on you. "Y/N," he called, "honey what's wrong?". All he could hear was crying. He saw the bathroom door was opened and went to look in there. When he saw your hair all over the floor and the razor on the sink he knew what had happened. You thought you heard the razor buzzing again but it was in your head. Soon there was another knock on the door. "Y/N," Sam called, "please let me in. I need to show you something,". You sighed and got up. Hoping Sam wouldn't find you any less attractive now. You opened the door and your eyes widened Sam had shaved his head.

"I told you," he said, "you're not going through this alone,". You hugged Sam tight.

"I love you, Sam," you said.

"I love you too Y/N," he said, "more than anything else,". 

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