Dear Sam Part 5 (Sam X Reader)

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Dear Sam,

After our first night together I stuck around with you two for a while. Even got to see an old friend of the family once. Ellen Harvel. She would watch me sometimes when my parents were hunting solo. While we were looking into a case in Red Lodge Montana we ran into a ruthless hunter. I'm sure you remember Gordan. Man was he heartless. But you took care of him and had him locked up then. So no need to speak of him.

Then came the night when we stopped at a little diner. Dean made you go in for burgers and pie. We both started to worry when you never came back. Eventually, we got out of the car to investigate. Everyone that was in the diner was dead and you were gone. We found out yellow eyes took you and we went to Bobby for help in finding you. Turns out the yellow eyed dick had basically put you in a survivor situation with other kids like you.

We headed off to help you after Dean had visions of some sort giving us a clue to where you were. I remember the moment that guy stabbed you in the back like it was yesterday. How my heart stopped. I couldn't breathe or move. I stood there in complete shock as Dean held your body and called your name over and over. Then one day not soon after you were alive again. No surprise Dean made a deal. He only got a year.

I could have wrung his neck for doing that. But another part of me though I'm ashamed of it was relieved that he had done it. Because in doing so the love of my life was back. Sam, you are still the love of my life. Even if I'm not yours anymore. If I ever was.

Love always,


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