Take It Out On Me (Sam X Reader)

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It was another bad night fighting back and forth with your boyfriend. At this point, you weren't sure why you were with him anymore. It was always the same fight. He would drink, you two would fight. He would put you down and call you every name in the book until you stormed out. You grabbed your coat and threw it on as you left slamming the door behind you. As you walked to your usual destination on nights like this you wiped fresh tears from your eyes. The hunting life was stressful but that gave the big jerk no right or reason to treat you like trash.

You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers ever since being rescued from the alternate world. You two always went on hunts with them. You reached the room in the hotel you were looking for and knocked on the door. You knew Dean would be at the local bar. He usually was after a hunt. Sam opened the door. His smile making you feel a tiny bit better. Sam noticed right away it was one of those nights. He could tell you'd be crying. He opened the door more allowing you to enter the room and he helped you talk off your jacket. "What happened?" he asked.

"I just can't take it much longer Sam," you said, "He blames me for everything. When a hunt goes wrong, when we don't wake up on time. Hell, the other night someone got his burger order wrong and he yelled at me for an hour over it," you rambled on until he grabbed your hands.

"Why do you put up with him Y/N?" he asked, "you deserve so much better,". You looked into those beautiful hazel green eyes and before you knew it your lips when on his as he wrapped his arms around you. This was of no surprise to Sam or yourself. This always happened on nights like this. When your boyfriend would show just how much he didn't care you always ran to your safe place. The one place you couldn't bring yourself to admit you belonged all along. Sam's arms. Sam lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around him never taking your lips from his as he carried you and gently laid you on the bed. Part of Sam was more than happy to give the love, affection, and time your boyfriend wasn't willing to give you. Part of was sad. Because he knew you should be his and him yours. Dean came back a few hours later and you and Sam were snuggled up asleep. He smiled and shuffled to his bed.

The next morning you woke up and were cuddled against Sam and he still had one arm securely around you. You smiled and turned to face the hunter. He was still asleep. He looked so peaceful and so handsome. As usual, you had woken up around three in the morning and was gonna leave like you always did but then it hit you. You didn't wanna leave. You didn't wanna keep pushing Sam away just to go back to a loser like your soon to be ex. Sam was what you wanted and you were finally ready to tell him that. You reached over and pushed some stray hairs from his face. The gesture caused him to stir and open his eyes. When he saw you he smiled. "You're still here,". he said in a groggy voice.

"I'm here because I wanted to stay," you said, "Sam I always wanna stay,". He propped himself up on his elbow and gently held your hand with his other hand.

"I always want you to stay Y/N," he said, "it kills me when you go back to that jerk,".

"I'm not going back anymore," you told him, "I'm where I belong,". Sam leaned over and kissed you softly. The kiss turned more heated as you pulled him down with you. You both chuckled when you heard Dean.

"Uh brother in the room!" he yelled.

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