Nick X Reader Imagine #6 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by djinn.n

You were walking around the bunker lost in the music that played on your iPod. Music was kind of your way of escaping the stress and horridness of the hunting life. Sometimes you would get so lost in the music you wouldn't know you were singing along to the song you were listening to. You were walking by Nick's room and he was just laying there. You could see he was having trouble adjusting after being freed from Lucifer. Your heart went out to him. You walked in and laid beside him on his bed. He looked a little shocked. You smiled and handed him one of your earbuds. He took it and placed it in his ear. For a while, you two just laid there as music played. It seemed to be helping him. It was silent as I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts started to play. Nick was enjoying the song and like always when the chorus hit you didn't notice you were singing or that Nick had become so lost in your voice the earbud he was using wasn't in his ear any longer.

Your voice was beautiful. Nick got completely hooked by it as you sang. So lost that nothing else seemed to matter. He felt calm. He felt at peace. When the song ended you opened your eyes and saw Nick staring at you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked.

"No," he said, "everything is perfect when you sing,". You blushed.

"Um, thank you," you said shyly. He gently grabbed your hand.

"Please sing another song," he said, "any song,". You smiled and spent the rest of the night just singing to him until you both dozed off peacefully together. 

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