Chuck X Reader Imagine #1 Part 2 (REQUESTED)

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You were sitting in the hotel room with the boys as you watched them arguing about Sam staying and facing Lilith. You hated seeing them fight. But you knew your brothers and you knew to just let it play out.

"Are you coming or not?" Dean asked. You gave Sam a pleading look but you knew he made up his mind.

"No," he said. Dean threw his bag in a chair and headed out. You half-smiled at Sam and went to check on your oldest brother. When you found him he was talking to Castiel. You listened as Castiel explained to Dean that since Chuck was a prophet that he had an archangel attached to him. And he explained to Dean with a hint that if a demon were in the same room as a prophet that the archangel would pretty much destroy it.

Soon you and Dean were heading to Chuck's house. "Dean are you sure this a good idea?".

"We don't have another choice Y/N," he said, "We gotta save Sammy,". You waited in the car as Dean went in. You knew he would scare Chuck. The poor guy seemed to be on edge. Soon Dean drug Chuck out of the house into the Impala. You tried to give Chuck a sincere smile. He half-smiled back. He didn't expect to see you with Dean. He, of course, knew Dean was coming. He wrote it that way. But he didn't write you into the scene. Part of him hated that he fell for you because now you were stuck in the middle of the stories but he had to keep writing. One thing he made himself do was protect you. He couldn't let the creation he loved most get hurt.

Soon you were back at the hotel and Dean grabbed chuck and busted through the door. You watched the panic spread on Lilith's face as she realized what was happening and ran off as the room started to shake. After everything calmed down you stood outside with Chuck as your brothers argued inside. "Sorry about my brother," you said, "when it comes to Sam or me he can be intensely protective,". Chuck nodded.

"It's ok," he said, "as long as Sam's ok,". You nodded as he thought to himself "and you as well Y/N,".

"Hey Chuck," Dean said as he and Sam walked back outside, "we'll give you a lift back to your house,". He nodded and gave you a small hug before leaving. He knew after this he was going to be visited by some of his more annoying angels. 

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