Jack X Reader Imagine #21 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by anna_fab.2002

You had gotten a call from the Winchester brothers. From what Sam told you the archangel Lucifer had a kid. His name was Jack and he was a nephilim. A creature that was half angel and human. Well in Jack's case half archangel. You got to the bunker and Sam let you in. You smiled as he pulled you into what you called the big brother hug. "Hey Sammy,".

"Hey Y/N," he said letting go, "been a while,". You nodded in agreement as you followed him down the stairs into the map room where everyone was. Dean was nursing a beer. Cas nodded at you with a small smile. You noticed a boy around your age sitting by Castiel. He had short light brown hair and blue eyes. But that's not what you noticed the most. What you did notice was his wings. They were black. Bigger than angel wings but a bit smaller than archangel wings. They were so beautiful you couldn't help but stare. Jack smiled and you could see a faint blush on his face.

"Hello," he said, "I'm Jack,". Snapping out of the trance you shook his hand.

"I'm Y/N," you said.

"Jack, Y/N is a friend of ours," Sam said, "she grew up in the life too,".

"It's nice to meet you," Jack said.

"You too Jack," you said.

"Y/N," Dean said, "We gotta do a case and wanted to know if you could stay here with jack,".

"Sure," you said, "I wouldn't wanna stay in this creepy bunker alone,". you joked causing Sam to laugh and Dean to roll his eyes. Soon you waved the boys off and it was just you and Jack. When Dean filled you on Jack he surely wasn't what you expected. He was actually very sweet and adorably shy. In a lot of ways, he reminded you of Castiel. You just couldn't stop yourself from staring at his wings. It confused you because you never saw any other angel's wings. Maybe it was a nephilim thing.

"Is something wrong with me?" he asked which caught you off guard.

"Why do you ask that Jack?" you asked.

"You keep staring at me," he said. You blushed a little.

"I'm sorry Jack," you said, "but I can't help but admire your wings,".

"You can see them?" he asked. You nodded, "but I don't have them out?". That confused you more. if he didn't have them out how could you see them?

"Are my wings bad looking to you?" he asked. You smiled.

"No Jack," you said walking over to them, "they're beautiful,". He smiled and you noticed his wings ruffled a bit and you giggled.

"I'm sorry," he said, "you said something nice and I got happy,". You smiled. Jack was adorable.

"Can I touch them?" you asked, "if it's ok?". He nodded. You reached up and softly ran your hand over a few feathers. They were soft like silk. You were mesmerized by them.

"Do you like them?" Jack asked.

"I do," you said. suddenly you felt the need to hug jack but wasn't sure how to ask but suddenly he beat you to it.

"Y/N," he said, "may I hug you?".

"I'd like that Jack," you said as Jack wrapped his arms around you. You wrapped yours around him. The hug felt nice. He made it even better when he wrapped his wings around you. You felt calm. Happy. You felt like you were right where you needed to be.

"This is nice," he said, "hugging,". You looked at him and smiled.

"It's very nice," you said. Jack wasn't sure how he knew how to do it but he leaned down and softly placed his lips on yours. 

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