Lucifer X Reader Imagine #48 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by 13alla66. If you wanna participate in the prompt event just check the supernatural prompt book. All prompts are in there.

He watched you for weeks. Trying to think of some way to show or say he was sorry. He let his temper get the best of him and he broke your heart. He wasn't even sure why he even had any thoughts of you being with one of the Winchester boys. He scolded himself not even hours after letting you go. He hated seeing you crying and hurting but his stubbornness kept him from going to you for a while. He was currently watching you in the bunker kitchen. Of course, he made it where you couldn't see him. You looked sad. He knew that was his fault.

He could feel the love you had for him every time you two were together. He watched you pour a cup of coffee in your favorite mug and sit on the table. The archangel smirked a little as he snapped his fingers and a plain chocolate bar appeared next to your cup. You smiled to yourself. You knew he was around. Every room you've been in lately has been colder then it should be. You missed him too. Yes, he said things out of anger but you were so ready to just make up already. You weren't gonna make it that easy though.

"I know you're here," you said as you opened the candy bar, "and candy is usually you're brothers thing,". He appeared in the chair across from you. His hands locked together as he looked down at them.

"I know chocolate is your favorite," he said, "you like to let it melt in your coffee,". You couldn't help but smile. He always did that. Remembered the little things about you or the little things you did.

"It's the only way to drink it in my opinion," you said dropping a square of chocolate at a time in your cup.

"Look Y/N I," he said trying to figure out the best way to say it. He's never said this to anyone before, "I was..what I did was,". He was trying so hard to say it. You couldn't help but cave. You gently placed your hands on his and his ocean blue eyes locked with yours.

"I forgive you," you told me, "just know no one could have my heart like you do Lucifer,". The archangel relaxed as he gently caressed your hands in his. You missed his icy touch. He placed a cool kiss to your hands and you two sat there in silence. 

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