Team Free Will X Reader Imagine #11 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by djinn.n

Like most hunters, you grew up in the life. While most kids were learning to play ball or having tea parties you were learning how to shoot a gun and things like silver bullets can kill werewolves. When you were about fourteen you met the legendary Winchester brothers. There were pretty much what everyone said they were. Skilled, strong, smart, and you had to admit cute. They soon became close hunter friends of your parents. Both families would often run into each other on the same hunt. It soon became something you were use to. Your parents were preparing for a werewolf hunt. It had been attacking young girls in a small town for about two weeks.

Just as your parents pulled into the motel parking lot you spotted a familiar black Impala and smiled. As you parked the boys came out of their room. You jumped out of the back of the truck and ran to the boys. "Sam! Dean!" you called as you hugged Dean and then Sam.

"Hey Y/N," Sam greeted.

"Been a while," you said, "you guys hunting this wolf too?".

"You know it," Dean said. Soon both groups had a plan and were off into the woods. You all had a lead that the wolf was hiding deep in the woods. Soon you all came up to an old run-down shack. Dean nodded to your parents as he and Sam went around to the back and you and your parents went to the front. Just as you made it upstairs of the porch the door burst into pieces as the wolf jumps and tumbles with your father down the stairs. Your mother told you to go get Sam and Dean as she tried to get a shot on the wolf. You hurried off to find the boys.

Just as you found the boys you heard your mother scream. "the wolf!" you told them as they hurried off with you right behind them. When they got back to the front of the house shock took over your body. Your father laid there on the ground motionless. A huge gash in his neck.

"Stay with her," Dean told Sam, "I'll go find her mother," he hurried off into the woods. Sam ran over to you just as you almost collapsed. He held onto as you cried. Dean came back a few minutes. Sam looked over silently asking about your mom and Dean shook his head. A few hours later you were at the bunker and watched as the bodies of your parents burned taking your heart with them. Soon you were asleep in one of the spare rooms in the bunker.

"We can't let her go out there alone," Sam said, "she's just a kid,".

"So what do we do?" Dean asked.

"We take her in," Sam said, "it's what her parents would want,".

"I agreed," Dean said, "congratz Sammy. It's a girl,". Sam just rolled his eyes at his older brother's joke. You've been with boys ever since. 

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