The Devil's Heart (Lucifer X Reader)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was a live imagine I did in my Instagram group chat. 

Humans. Even the word disgusted the archangel. He despised the species. What he dished out to them they deserved. Now that he was free from the cage he was gonna wipe his father's creation clean. Redo it to fit his image. It would be so much better. It was the night after he raised Death and he was watching his demons wreak havoc when he saw a group of them chasing a girl. He smirked and walked closer to watch, but once his icy blue eyes landed on you something inside him clicked. You were both stunning body and soul and he felt this odd and strong urge to protect you. The fear clear on your face angered him. Before one of the demons could stab you he snapped his fingers and they all turned to black dust.

You looked over and backed away a little when you saw him. "Please," he said holding up his hands, "please don't be afraid. I have no intentions of harming you,". You could tell by the pleading look in his eyes he was telling the truth. You knew who he was. And yet once he said that you weren't scared.

"You're Lucifer," you said. He nodded.

"I am, but I truly mean you no ill intentions," he said, "in fact honestly I have the urge to want to protect you,". It was the truth since the moment he laid eyes on you the feeling to protect you grew.

"Why?" you asked, "why would you deem me special enough to protect?".

"I honestly can't explain it myself," he said, "just please come with me. You won't want or need for anything. I'll take care of you,". You had to admit. His offer was so tempting. You had no one. You were pretty much a drifter. You looked into his eyes once more and could see the hope within them.

"Ok," you agreed, "I believe you mean no harm,". You walked over to him and he gently wrapped his arms around you. He was cold, but it felt inviting. You heard a flutter of wings and you both vanished. When you opened your eyes you were in an old rundown apartment building.

"I know it's not very nice," he said, "but it will have to do,".

"It's better than living on the street," you said.

"You have no home?" he asked as he sat down beside you, "please tell me your story,". 

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