Dear Sam Part 9 (Sam X Reader)

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Dear Sam,

Despite our best attempts to save Dean nothing worked. I'll never forget the snarls of those hell mutts or Dean's screams. After that, you were really quit. Barely said a word unless it came to burning Dean's body. You weren't having it. You were determined to find a way to bring him back. One day you told me to pack up and we left. I didn't really question it. I figured you needed to get away for a while. But I was wrong. You started drinking a little too much and still tried ways to save your brother. Even tried to get a demon to take you in Dean's place. Of course like always nothing worked. Over time you let me comfort you. It started off as cuddling. I would sometimes play with your hair. It would help you sleep. Then one night you were missing and grieving Dean bad. I wrapped you in a big hug to try to calm you. You looked down at me and for a split moment, there was a soft look in your eyes.

You leaned down and kissed me. It was slow at first. One of those kisses you give to see if the one your kissing is ok with it. Once you realized I was the heat picked up in the kiss. That kiss lead to our first night together. Sam, it was more than I ever imagined. It was hot, romantic, perfect. I could go on. Making love to you was the best experience I've ever had. After that night things were a little better. Around me you were affectionate. You would smile more. Your smile could brighten the world, Sam. But just as things seemed calm, and almost normal Ruby showed up again. She helped us on some cases. Well more helped you. You would have me do the research while you and Ruby were out. She annoyed me but I tried my best to ignore her. One night after researching for what felt like hours I offered to go grab us some food. I was gonna be nice and even bring Ruby some fries back.

I paid for our food and headed back to the hotel we were staying in. I grabbed the bags of food and the drink carrier and headed to the door. When I opened the door it was like everything went slow motion. You and Ruby were in the middle of having sex. The food and drinks dropped to the floor. When you noticed me you looked like a deer caught in headlights and Ruby just smirked.

Love Always


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