Dean X Reader Imagine #46 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by 1artsypineapple

You had just gotten your daughter out of the bathtub and dressed in her pajamas. You were drying her hair. She loved when you would play with her hair before bedtime. Just as you finished brushing the child's hair your husband Dean walked in the room. He had just gotten home from his job at the car shop a little late. "Hi daddy!" the little girl greeted.

"Hey sweetheart," he said sitting down beside you.

"braids tonight sweetie?" you asked and she nodded. Dean smiled. Watching his two favorite girls in the entire world was something he never took for granted.

"Teach me?" he asked.

"To braid?" you asked making sure. He nodded.

"I'd like to learn," he said.

"Is that ok with you honey?" you asked your little girl.

"Yeah, daddy can do my hair!" she said. You switched places with Dean.

"Ok first we separate her hair into three strands," you said showing him how, "now you just sort of wrap the left and right strands around the middle strand. It's easier to show you," you said as you did. Before long Dean redid the braid several times by himself. soon your daughter's head started to fall back.

"Someone's sleepy," Dean said, "I'll put her to bed,". He got up and gently picked your little girl up and carried her off to bed. 

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