Sam X Reader Imagine #25 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This a dedicated imagine for sam.winchesters.lost.shoe1967 for their birthday.

You were in your room a little sad. It was your birthday and you were at the bunker alone. You wanted to spend the day with your boyfriend, but he and Dean had been gone for a few days on a hunt. You missed Sam so much and hoped he'd be back soon. As lay on your bed sifting through an old magazine you started to smell something. It was faint but smelled like vanilla. You opened your door but didn't hear anyone. As you walked up the hall the scent got stronger. When you walked into the living room your eyes widened. Vanilla candles were lit everywhere and your boyfriend stood in the room with a big smile on his face. Like you, he was dressed in his pajamas. Happy birthday beautiful," he said walking over and wrapping his arms around you. That was your safe place. You felt the most secure in the arms of the man you loved.

"I didn't hear you come in," you said.

"I had Cas zap me in to surprise you," Sam said, "now how about a birthday treat?".

"Sounds great," you said, "starving,". Sam lead you over to the couch where a large box of fries and two vanilla shakes waited for you.

"I got your favorite," he said as you both sat on the couch, "we can enjoy your birthday meal and watch movies,".

"Sounds like a perfect birthday date," you said as Sam leaned over and gave you a soft peck on the lips. You both ate and watched some animated movies. Sam would sometimes pretend to be grossed out when you dipped a fry in your shake.

If you do that again you're in trouble," Sam playfully warned.

"Oh really?" you said as you picked up one of the longer fries and dipped it in the shake and than put the ice cream covered half in your mouth.

"That's it," he said leaning in taking the other half in his mouth causing your lips to meet. Soon sharing the fry as the kissed turned a little more loving. When you pulled apart you stared into your hunter's beautiful hazel eyes.

"Sam Winchester," you stated, "you are the best gift I could ever ask for,". He smiled wrapping his arms around you.

"I feel the same way Y/N," he said. You snuggled up to his side and you both drifted off together.

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