Bye Bye Mr. Blue (Jack X Reader)

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When you were a little girl your grandfather gave you a soft, blue teddy bear to help keep your nightmares away. You had named it Mr. Blue and you took him everywhere with you. He especially became your source of comfort when your grandfather was killed by a werewolf when you were ten. That's when you went to live with a family friend Bobby Singer. You grew up in the hunting life full time after that. Becoming very close with the Winchester Brothers. They even took you under their wings after Bobby died. Mr. Blue never left you. You kept him hidden in your closet or under your clothes in your bag if you left somewhere with the boys. Things were finally getting back to normalish after Jack had joined your hunter family and you all were going on a ghoul hunt a few towns over. The hunt had been long and stressful and you were almost killed.

When you got into the cheap hotel room you had gotten to yourself you changed into your sleep clothes and dug out Mr. Blue. The soft but worn fabric of the blue bear instantly put you at ease. You laid down and covered up hugging the old toy bear to you. "Goodnight Mr. Blue," you said before drifting off to sleep. You were woken up by knocking on your door. You jumped up and answered it. It was Sam.

"We gotta go there's another case on the way back to the bunker," he said. You nodded. The case had been a simple salt and burn and you were back at the bunker soon. You were unpacking and panicking. You couldn't find Mr. Blue. You swore you packed him.

"No no no," you said to yourself, "please tell me I didn't!" you were starting to freak out as you realized you must have left Mr. Blue in the hotel room. You started to breathe a little harder when Jack walked into your room. He noticed you were upset straight away.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing Jack," you said looking at him.

"But you're crying," he pointed out wiping a tear from your cheek. You were so upset you hadn't noticed you were crying. You sighed.

"If I tell you what's wrong do you promise not to tell Sam and Dean?" you asked. He nodded. You went on to tell him about Mr. Blue.

"And you're sure you didn't pack him?" he asked.

"I emptied out my whole bag," you said as you wiped your cheeks dry, "guess it's time to move from him. I am grown,". Over the next few weeks, your sleep pattern began to suffer. You weren't sleeping but a few hours a night if you slept at all and your nightmares got worse and more frequent. You were tired and the boys thought you were getting sick and made you stay home from hunting. You had bags under your eyes and you barely ate. Jack was starting to worry for you. He had realized by Mr. Blue being gone you lost a sense of safety the bear had given since you were a child. So Jack fluttered to the hotel you last had the bear at and walked in and up to the counter.

"Hi," he greeted the woman behind the desk, "my family and I were here a few weeks ago and my sister left a stuffed bear here. Has anyone found it?".

"You can check our lost and found," the woman said leading him into a back room behind the counter. There were boxes and shelves filled with things that had been forgotten by others in the past. The young nephilim was saddened when his search did not turn up your beloved teddy bear. But that's when he got an idea.

"Excuse me miss," he said, "is there a toy store nearby?".

"Yes two blocks over," she said. He thanked her and hurried there.

You were sulking in your room. Trying to fight the sadness off. It wasn't easy without the support of your bear. There was a knock on your door. "Can I come in?" Jack asked. You smiled.

"Sure Jack," you said as he walked in and sat down beside you.

"Can I ask something about Mr. Blue?" he asked.

"Ok, what?" you said feeling a ping of sadness at the toy's name.

"You loved him because he was a gift from someone you loved right?" he asked and you nodded, "and you love me right?" he asked.

"Of course I do Jack," you said, "you're very important to me,". He smiled.

"Than I want you to have this," he said handing you a little gift bag. You opened it and pulled out a little white bear. It had a flannel pattern on his paws and ears and a blue bow around its neck.

"Jack that's so sweet," you said kissing his cheek, "I love it,".

"Are you gonna name him?" Jack asked.

"Hmm," you said looking at the new bear, "His name is Winchester,". Jack smiled.

"I like it," he said. That night you slept soundly cuddled up with your new bear as you thought of the boy who gave it to you.

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