Lucifer X Reader Imagine #51 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This is a gift for _.sofiabr._ for their birthday.

It was your birthday and so far it had been a good one. It started with your brothers Sam and Dean making you your favorite breakfast and you got to eat it in bed. Then you got gifts. Sam gave you a coffee mug with a quote from your favorite book on it and Dean gave a gift you did not expect. He let you drive Baby. Yeah, he went with you but it was still so cool. After the drive, the boys took you to your favorite diner for an early dinner. They told you you could order whatever you wanted. You almost teared up when they told you they had been saving up just so they could do this for you. You happily ordered all your favorites and shared with them. When you got home they decided you would have a movie night. You all changed into your sleep clothes and got comfy in Dean's little man cave.

You had a good birthday but part of you was sad. And you had to hide that part. There was one person you wanted so bad to have time with today but you knew that wouldn't happen with the boys around. So as you closed your eyes you sent out a little private prayer letting him know you missed him as you drifted off. You woke up and saw you were in the room alone. Dean and Sam were gone. Suddenly you saw a figure move past the door. You ran out of the room but didn't see anyone in the hall. You looked down and noticed black rose petals trailing down the hallway. You followed them until you came to a wooden door you had never seen in the bunker before. You slowly pushed the door open and walked through.

You found yourself in a small little clearing. It was dark but there was an area with lit candles and a blanket laying on the ground with pastel colored balloons floating around. You walked over and noticed a banner that said Happy Birthday Kitten and you smiled. Only one person called you that. You soon felt two strong, cool arms wrap around you from behind. You closed your eyes and laid your head against him as you felt his icy breath fan your neck. "Hello kitten," he greeted planting a soft kiss on your neck.

"Didn't think I'd get to see you today," you admitted, "I missed you,".

"I wouldn't stay away from my kitten on her big day," he said, "but now I have you all to myself,". You smiled.

"That's fine with me," you said. Lucifer snapped his fingers and a slow, romantic tune filled the space. He kept his arms around you and you both started to sway back and forth slowly as he softly kissed the pulse point on your neck. You happily hummed as you reached up and ran your hand through his hair. Your birthday was finally ending on the best note you could ever think of. 

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