Dean X Reader Imagine #26(REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by 1artsypineapple

You were super excited as you applied some cherry lipgloss on your lips. You had a date with a fellow hunter that was around your age. Your older brother Dean was not happy about it. Said the guy seemed like a jerk. You knew it was just his big brother senses kicking in. You looked yourself over in the mirror. You were wearing a ruffled denim skirt, a black bell sleeved top, and matching black heels. You had your hair in a neat bun. You grabbed your purse and headed to the library where your brothers were researching. "How do I look?" you asked. Sam smiled.

"You looking beautiful," he said.

"Too good for this loser," Dean said. You sighed.

"Dean what do you have against him?" you asked, "he's my age and is a hunter too,".

"Hunters can be jerks Y/N," he pointed out.

"Well Ian isn't like that," you said kissing his cheek, "if I'm not back before ten I'll call,". You kissed Sam's cheek and headed out. On the way to the door, You passed Castiel who just fluttered in.

"You look nice Y/N,' he said. You smiled and kissed his cheek too.

"Thanks, Cas," you said, "bye guys!". And with that, you were out the door.

Dean was sitting in the library reading over a lore book for a hunt you all were preparing for when he got a text on his phone. It was from you. He clicked on it and it said two words. Brother Bear. With that Dean was off to the Impala. Brother Bear was a code word you and Dean came up with whenever you needed him. If you ever texted that to him he was there. Dean pulled up to the cafe you were supposed to meet Ian at. You were sitting outside. As soon you saw him get out of the car you ran to him and once your big brother's arms were around you you broke down. Dean held you and softly stroked your hair like always did when you were upset.

Het let you cry until you calmed down. "Hungry sweetheart?" he asked. You shook your head though you were starving. "Well let's go order something anyway,". he said guiding you into the diner. He ordered a large basket of fries and two chocolate milkshakes. It was what he would always order no matter where you were when you were upset. "Tell me what happened?" he asked. You explained how about ten minutes after you got to the diner Ian texted you explaining how even though you were an amazing girl he had met a huntress who was willing to travel with him and his family and that his feelings for you just weren't there anymore. The whole time Dean listened and softly rubbed your back with his hand in a comforting way.

"I'm not even good enough for a hunter," you said sniffling.

"Sweetheart listen to me," Dean said lifting your head up with his hand to make you look at him, "You are Y/N Winchester. Any ass clown willing to let you go shouldn't be trusted on a hunt. You're beautiful, smart, and one badass huntress. You're a winner,". You smiled. Your big brother always knew how to cheer you up.

"Thanks, Dean," you said hugging him, "I'm lucky to have brothers like you and Sam. And Cas,".

"We're lucky to have you," he said, "and if I ever see the Ian kid again I'm kicking his ass,". 

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