Being Human Part 3 (Lucifer X Reader)

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The next morning Lucifer woke up to the aroma of something sweet being cooked. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Sleeping was something he didn't think he was ever gonna get used to. He walked into the kitchen and you were standing by the stove. You noticed him and smiled. "Good morning," you said. He nodded. "I made breakfast if you're hungry," you told, "banana pancakes and bacon,".

"Thank you Y/N," he said sitting down at the counter as you sat a plate in front of him. You two ate in silence. After breakfast, you got ready to go to work. You and Lu walked outside and you locked the door. "Thank you again," he said, "for helping me,". You nodded as he started to walk away.

"Lu!" you called and he turned to look at you, "you're welcome here anytime,". He nodded in thanks and kept walking. The rest of the day went uneventful. Part of you hoped Lu would come back. You actually liked the man's company. At lunch, you told your best friend everything.

You let some stranger in your house?" she asked, "are crazy?". You laughed.

"He's nice," you said, "and I couldn't just leave him in the cold,".

"Y/N you have the biggest heart in the world I swear," she said. You smiled.

"And I'm proud of it," you said taking a drink of your tea.

Lucifer spent most of the day trying to track down any angels he could. He had planned to feed on grace to try and get his powers working fully again. He was rounding the corner when he heard your voice. "You piece of junk!" you yelled. He looked over and watched you smacked the hood of your car.

"Y/N," he said walking over, "is something wrong?". He wasn't sure why but he felt the urge to make sure you were ok.

"Lu, hi" you greeted noting you got a little happier seeing him, "my car just broke down. I'll have to see if someone inside can give me a ride home,". Lucifer suddenly got an idea to help. After all you did for him he had to help.

"I can take a look at it while your inside," he offered. You smiled.

"Thanks, Lu," you hurried inside. Lucifer looked around making sure no one was out or looking. He knew this would drain what little was left of his powers but he had to help you. He placed his hand on the car and soon the magic energy flowed from him to the car. He felt himself getting weaker as his grace seeped from him. Soon he was done and wobbly walked over to your driver's side and flopped down into the seat and started the car as you walked back out. "You got it working!" you said. He smiled at how your face lit up.

"Yeah," he replied but you took notice of how weak he looked.

"Lu, are you ok?" you asked walking over to him.

"Uh," he said trying to think quick, "just feeling a little under the weather,". You just knew it was because he was stuck out in the cold. You softly placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Lu, please stay at my house for now," you offered, "at least until the weather is warmer,". He nodded.

"I'd like that," he said, You helped him out of the car and to the passenger side and then drove back to your place. 

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