Lucifer X Reader Imagine #49 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested spn_forever11

Lucifer watched from the archway to the map room. He had been living in the bunker since returning from the alternate world with everyone. He was watching you. He had been smitten with you since he started staying in the bunker. He was actually trying hard to win you over. He wanted to get to know you. You were the only one besides his son, in the bunker, he could stand. You were funny, could have a smart mouth when you wanted, and you always seemed to brighten up a room. The one thing he hated was when you were with the Winchesters you would laugh and crack jokes and even give them a hard time.

But when you where just around him you would still smile like always but you would be really quiet and always be looking down at your hands. You would never look at him. One day the boys were talking about a case they had stumbled across. A monster had been going after female hunters. They weren't sure why or what yet but they decided to keep you at the bunker to make sure you were safe. Lucifer was just walking by when he heard them talking. "What about her feelings toward Lucifer?" Castiel asked.

"Well, we can't really do anything about that Cas," Sam said, "its to dangerous out there for female hunters right now and we can't tell her how to feel about anyone,". You stood a few feet away but could hear the boys and now Lucifer knew how you felt. A while later the boys left for the hunt and you and Lucifer were the only ones there. So you got your nerves up and went to the archangel.

"Would you," you started looking at your hands shyly, "like to watch a movie with me Lucifer?". He smiled. Usually, he wouldn't really care for movies but it was time with you so he gladly said yes. You gently grabbed his hand and lead him to Dean's little man cave area. You giggled to yourself at the little shocked expression on his face. You picked a horror movie. You figured Lucifer would be more ok with it than anything lovey dovey. You sit beside him and watched the movie. Lucifer was trying to think of something to say when he felt you wrap your arms around his arm and lay your head on his shoulder. He tensed up at first but soon relaxed.

The warmth from the hoodie you wore and the coolness coming from the angel beside you soon had you fighting to keep your eyes open. Lucifer looked over at you to ask something but saw you were sound asleep. He smiled softly as he snapped his fingers making a blanket appear over you both. He softly kissed the top of your head and continued watching the movie. He even just sat there after the movie ended so he wouldn't disturb the beautiful girl snuggled up to him. 

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