Sam X Reader Imagine #40 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by karlacastaanctil

It was Christmas time and you and the boys had just finished a hunt. You were now at a local bar having some drinks to unwind. It was of course decked out in cheap Christmas decorations. Christmas songs filled the bar. It was calming in a way. You looked over to watch the boys playing each other in pool. Dean made a ball and cheered for himself to annoy Sam. You smiled as you looked at Sam.

You had been in love with the younger Winchester for some time now. Of course, Sam didn't know. You didn't have the nerve to tell him. Plus you were pretty sure he only saw you as a sister. You sighed and ordered another beer. By the time you were ready to leave you were just a little tipsy. As you three were heading for the door you looked up and noticed mistletoe. You smirked as something took over you. "Sam come here," you said motioning for him to bend down to your level. He did.

"Yeah Y/N?" he asked. Before he could process it you cupped his face in your hands and gave him a soft kiss. To your surprise and relief, Sam wrapped his arms gently around you and kissed back. 

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