Castiel X Reader Imagine #34 (REQUESTED)

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Author Note: This is gift for @hcneycas for their birthday. I hope you like honey and I really hope you have a good birthday. I LOVE YOU!

You had been on the road for about two weeks. Hunts were popping up everywhere. Right now you were in a half decent motel on a siren case. The siren was actually breaking lore and going after women. So the boys decided you should sit this one out. You just wanted to some alone time with your sweetheart Castiel. You and the celestial being pretty much fell in love over a time period of a few months. He was beyond adorable, his vessel was very handsome, he was caring, and always there for you. Castiel was feeling the same way. Cases have been keeping him so busy he was starting to miss time with just you. So the angel had a plan. While you were out getting dinner for yourself at the local cafe he grabbed the keys to your jeep, your laptop, and blanket and got to work. You got back just as the boys did. Dean stopped when you got to the door. "Hey Y/N," he said, "I saw someone over by your old jeep just now,". This put you on high alert as you gripped the knife in your pocket and headed there not noticing the boys slip into the room. When you got there Castiel was standing there.

"Cas what's going on?" you asked.

"I don't know if you noticed lately Y/N," he said pulling you into a soft embrace, "but we haven't really spent any time together just us in a while,".

"I've noticed Cas," you said with a nod.

"Well for the rest of the night it's just us," he said as he opened the back door of your jeep. Inside there was a blanket laid over the back seat.

"What's this?" you asked.

"Just get in you'll see," he said. You did as told. Castiel climbed in after you and closed the door. He then grabbed the laptop from the front seat. He started it up and soon had Captain America: Winter Soldier playing. He then pulled you to him until your back was resting against him. Castiel then placed a bowl of fresh cut watermelon in your lap.

"My favorite movie, my favorite food, and," you said kissing his cheek, "my favorite angel. Best night ever,". You two sat and watched the movie as you enjoyed the fruit. Castiel looked over at you when the movie ended and you were fast asleep. So the angel laid with you all night looking up at the stars from your jeep's roof as he held the one thing he considered more dazzling and more precious than the stars themselves, you.

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