Why Don't We Just Dance? (Dean X Reader)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was a live imagine I did in a Instagram group chat.

You were sitting in the bunker living room channel surfing. Over three hundred channels and nothing on. You settled on the news which of course was nothing but stories about what true monsters humans could be. From one story of a bank robbery to one of a murder fueled by jealousy. You sighed and didn't even notice when Dean walked into the room. "Hey sweetheart," he said, "mind getting up for a minute?". You huffed but did as asked. You watched a little confused as Dean pushed the couch over to the other side of the room.

He then turned the radio on. An old country song played as he walked over to you and gently grabbed your hands pulling you into the middle of the room. "Feel like dancing?" he asked.

"I feel a little underdressed for dancing," you said.

"You kiddin?" he asked, "You look beyond beautiful,".

"I'm wearing baggy sweats and my hair is a mess," you said gesturing to yourself.

"Yeah," he said pulling you to him, "and I've never wanted to hold you so bad before,". You smiled and gave him a soft kiss you two started to dance.

Dean would twirl you and dip you as you just smiled and laughed. You were having such a good time that you hadn't even noticed you two were happily dancing down the hall to your room. You giggled as Dean gently pushed you against the door and gave you a more loving, passionate kiss. "So feel like havin a private dance session?" he asked. You smiled at the lust and love for you in your hunter's beautiful green eyes.

"Nothing in the world has ever sounded better," you said taking his lips in yours again as he opened the door and lead you inside. You two had the steamiest dance session you had ever had. Your spirits were definitely lifted. You were so thankful for the hunter you've come to love. 

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