Dean X Reader Imagine #24 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by lillianfife2006.

PROMPT #14: "Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love too,".


You sat there in your hotel room with your legs hugged to your chest and your head down. You had made a complete fool of yourself. You and the boys had gotten drunk and you foolishly confessed your feelings to your best friend Dean. By the time you had realized what you were doing, it was too late and you ran out of the bar. You heard Dean call after you, but you kept going. How could you be so stupid? How could you let your deepest secret slip out? What were you gonna do if you just ruined the best friendship you had ever had? Would Dean laugh in your face? Would he turn you away? Tell you he didn't feel the same? You would never dare let yourself hope he returned the feelings. You couldn't be that lucky. There was knock on your door and you heard Dean's voice calling for you but you didn't move. Suddenly you heard a key jiggle and the door opened slowly and Dean walked in. "You forgot your key at the bar," he said. You just nodded.

"Y/N why didn't just tell me?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter," you said as you looked up at him, "just be my best friend right now and not the guy I confessed my love to,". Dean sat next to you and hugged you. Not romantically, but like he did when he was trying to comfort you. You both just sat there like that until you were almost asleep in his hold. He kissed the top of your head.

"Just so you know," he whispered, "I'm in love with you too,". 

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