Jack X Reader Imagine #25 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by 4waywardsons

It was a hunt you'd never get out of your head. A demon made it where you couldn't move and made you watch as it drained a small girl of her blood. The image was seared into your mind. You couldn't sleep and when you did you would have a nightmare. After a particularly bad nightmare, you woke up screaming. Sam and Jack both heard you and hurried to your room. Sam got there first and ran over to you. "It's ok Y/N," he said softly trying to calm you, "it's just a nightmare,".

Soon you calmed down as you sat up and hugged your legs to yourself. "I'm getting so sick of these bad dreams,". you finally said.

"Nothings helping to fight them off?" Sam asked and you shook your head.

"Nothing," you said, "wish I could be little again. When I was little I always had a stuffed animal to hug onto after a bad nightmare. Really wish I would have kept one,".

"It'll get easier to deal with," he said, "I'm pretty sure all hunters have nightmares due to hunts and losses,". You nodded.

"I'll make you something to eat Y/N," Jack said and hurried to the kitchen. As the young nephilim made you some toast and cereal he smiled to himself as he got an idea. A few days later you and the boys got back from a supply run for the bunker. You still hadn't been sleeping very well. After you finished putting some groceries away Dean said he would make dinner so you can try to nap. You gave him a hug and headed for your room. When you walked in you were a bit surprised to see a few stuffed animals sitting on your bed. One was a brown teddy bear, one was a white tiger, and one was an elephant.

"Where did you come from?" you asked as if they would answer.

"I bought them for you," Jack said as you turned to find the sweet nephilim smiling at you, "I heard you tell Sam that they helped you sleep as a kid so I thought they'd help you now,". You wrapped him in a big hug.

"That's really sweet Jack," you said, "thank you,". Jack smiled and gladly hugged you back. Later that night as the guys were turning in for the evening Jack noticed you weren't in the library with them. So on his way to his room, he stopped by yours and cracked the door opened. There you were with one of the stuffed animals hugged securely in your arm fast asleep. 

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