Chapter 6 Dear

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  Tang Ze also knew that it was not good to dominate Shao Kun like this, but he couldn't help it and was reluctant to let Shao Kun go out. In the morning, Shao Kun said that he would go to the county, and he was like a side dish that was beaten by frost, and his energy was gone.

Watering the side dishes in the vegetable field at home, this vegetable garden is good, the peppers and persimmons are picked and knotted. If you want to eat it, go straight to the ground. If there are too many, they will be picked every day, and in the evening, two people will pickle the side dishes into the kimchi jar.

When I'm in a bad mood, looking at the fruitful vegetable garden makes my heart feel a little better.

After a while the door rang, Tang Ze immediately put down his work and looked over, thinking that Shao Kun had returned. But recently it was the second sister-in-law and Tang's mother.

He said: "Mum...why are you here?"

"Come here to accompany you, Shao Kun came to the house to give instructions when he left, saying that he was afraid that you would be bored at home. If there is not much work at home, let us come over for a stroll. Go for a walk." Mother Tang said.

Tang Ze didn't expect Shao Kun to be so thoughtful, and said awkwardly: "He came back at noon, and I'm not so bored."

Mother Tang looked at her little six and smiled: "You, I didn't know how to cultivate in my last life. What a blessing." The

second sister-in-law also smiled and said, "It's better to be together if you are young, and you can't be separated all morning. This Shao Kun really hurts you on the top of your heart. I see, I can't wait to tie you to the waist of your trousers. This person is really incomparable, your second brother has been out for so long, and I didn't want to be like that." The

second sister-in-law teased me. Tang Ze's face was a little red, and he said stubbornly: "I didn't... I didn't think about him." The

second sister-in-law was four years older than Tang Ze, and when she saw him like this, she couldn't help teasing him: "Oh, who was it just now? Ah? Seeing the door was pushed, the corners of our mouths drooped down, so we miss our man?"

Tang Ze's ears burst red, and he said angrily, "Mother...Second sister-in-law bullied me."

"Yeah." Mother Tang said with emotion, "You, that's all on your face." Tang Ze was very close to Shao Kun when he first got married. Now all his heart is thrown on others, so he didn't notice it himself.

Tang Ze lowered his head.

The second sister-in-law laughed. He said to Mother Tang, "Look at how good this small vegetable garden is. The peach trees have grown branches and leaves. It is estimated that they will bear fruit next year."

Mother Tang said: "The two of them take care of this small vegetable garden so carefully, can they not grow well?"

Tang Ze saw the needle and said: "Mother, you can pick what you want to eat by yourself, and the two of us can't finish it.

" The peppers are gone. Last time, your father said that stir-frying dishes are tasteless. After picking a few peppers in your house, the spicy and numb appetite has also opened up! Tell me that your pepper seedlings are good, and the fruit they produce also tastes good. Right." Mother Tang said and went to pick a few.

Tang Ze said: "Then keep a little more chili seeds when you keep the seeds this year."

"That's a good feeling." Tang's mother was also surprised that the vegetables they both planted were delicious. The persimmons are sweet and have a little sour taste. When you break them open, they will become sandy. If they are chilled in well water, they will be more refreshing, and they are more delicious than the fruits in the mountains. Tang Ze eats more extravagantly and dips it in sugar. That's why Shao Kun is used to it. White sugar is such an expensive thing that ordinary people can't bear to eat it.

Tang Ze picked a basket of vegetables just now and gave it to Mother Tang. Said: "Mother, if you want to eat it, come again. By the way, our kimchi is also good. The chili is sour and hot, and everything is delicious when you mix it with Shao Kunge's red oil. You can take some."

Tang mother Having eaten their kimchi, even Tang Yu likes it. Said: "Then get some." After saying this, he was a little embarrassed: "I came to your house to get something, it's not good for people to see it. You should also send some to Shao Kunniang every three to five."

"Okay . ." Tang Ze agreed.

To pick vegetables out of the kimchi tank, you need chopsticks that are oil-free and water-free. If a tank of kimchi is stained with a little water, the kimchi will be damaged. This delicate work is most suitable for Tang mother. Inside is pickled cabbage, pickled cucumbers, peppers and cowpeas. You can eat whatever you want.

Taking advantage of this time, the second sister-in-law approached Tang Ze's side, and Tang Ze said, "Second sister-in-law, when will you be born ?

" The second sister-in-law said: "your second brother says yes, but men like sons. But my second brother and I have no children for so many years and have no other expectations. I just hope that the child in your belly is healthy." "That's true!" Tang Ze said. The second sister-in-law said: "I don't think Shao Kun is like an ordinary person, you are lucky." Tang Ze Mosquito hummed. The corners of his mouth rose secretly, and it made him happier when others praised Shao Kun than praised him. The second sister-in-law passed the door early. Tang Ze has always been disciplined since he was a child. He didn't know when he met Shao Kun. I couldn't help but ask. Tang Ze's face was a little red: "I don't know..." Anyway, as long as he sees him, he is happy. Sometimes he knew that Shao Kun bullied him too much, but Shao Kun was happy, even if he was angry, he was secretly happy. The second sister-in-law looked envious. She and Tang Er Ge were introduced to each other. Her parents' family was in another village. After getting married, she gradually developed feelings, but it was also very dull. Everyone lived like this and didn't feel that something was wrong. But it was only after seeing Tang Ze and the others that they realized that emotions also have such a strong side. They were stunned for a while, the door rang, this time Shao Kun came back. As soon as Shao Kun entered the hospital, he said, "Be good."

Then the second sister-in-law and Tang's mother saw Tang Ze stand up and run over, completely forgetting that someone was here, and got into Shao Kun's arms directly.

People like Mother Tang's face turned red, her son!

However, Shao Kun saw that there were other people in the courtyard, so he patted Tang Ze on the back and said with a smile, "Mother, second sister-in-law."

Tang Ze then reacted and got out of Shao Kun's body on the spot, hiding secretly. Behind Shao Kun. I was so happy to see him back just now, I forgot that there were other people at home.

Tang's mother was angry and funny when she saw Xiao Liu hiding. Tang Ze has always made mistakes like this since he was a child and hid behind others. Said: "They are all people with children, yet they are so reckless."

"Mother, the young couple have deep feelings for each other." The second sister-in-law laughed beside her.

Mother Tang said quickly: "Then let's go home."

Shao Kun said: "Don't go, I cut some pork today, let's cook the meat at home, and call my father and little Tangyu to come to the house for fun."

Mother Tang said with a smile: " No, there are still vegetables in the pot. If you don't eat them on such a hot day, they will be spoiled. Eat them." If

Shao Kun persisted, they still wanted to go home and waited until they went out. Shao Kun then pulled his daughter-in-law out from behind. He looked ashamed. His little face collapsed. Shao Kun looked funny, took his hand and gave him a hard kiss: "Okay, it's okay. We are both married, what's the matter."

"But my mother and second sister-in-law were killed I see." He was too carried away.

"I saw it when I saw it. It's not that outsiders wouldn't say it."


"It's nothing. I haven't tested your handwriting for a long time. Will you still write my name?" Shao Kun asked.

"Yes." He remembered every stroke in his heart.

Shao Kun said: "Come on, if you write wrong, I will punish you." His eyes flashed with deep light.

Tang Ze raised his head and kissed Shao Kun like a little bit of water, and quickly separated: "Is this a punishment?"

Shao Kun's heart stopped for a while, and then he swallowed hard. Damn, his daughter-in-law is so fucking hooked.

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