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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts with Millions of Hoardings_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (218)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (218)
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  Because there is no need for them at all!

  Lu Qiyan felt that there were many zombies in the hospital and it was very dangerous. He wished that Han Qingxia could take care of as many people as he could, but in fact, Han Qingxia didn't have to take care of anyone at all .

  She even said that if Qin Ke was more loyal, she would just let Qin Ke do it alone!

  Clearing out the zombies in the core area and dropping bombs are very difficult for others, but for the half-zombie Qin Ke, it was simply a score!

  "You all stay here and are ready to take me and Qin Ke away at any time. Pay attention to safety and don't attract the attention of zombies."

  After hearing this, everyone said, "Yes!"

  This is why Han Qingxia dared to bring newcomer Dong Yi with him.

  Because this operation is really not difficult at all.

  Bring them here purely to gain experience.

  Let Xu Shaoyang and the others stay in the safe area, and Han Qingxia took Qin Ke out very carefully.

  After getting out of the car, Qin Ke told her, "How about you let me go alone and come back after planting the bomb."

  Han Qingxia looked at him, "Then you sneak away again."

  Qin Ke: "..."

  "You don't believe me that much?"

  "Haha, tell me, if I let you go alone, will you slip away?"

  Qin Ke said without hesitation, "Slip away."

  Han Qingxia: "..."

  So, how could Han Qingxia trust him to install the bomb alone? It would be better if he ran away after loading it, which meant that she had done the work for her. If he ran away with her bomb, who would Han Qingxia go to?

  Don't paralyze yourself with what you can see at a glance, so as not to dig a big hole to trap yourself.

  It's a stupid thing to put yourself in danger.

  But thinking of this, Han Qingxia wanted Qin Ke's body even more.

  As long as she is half-zombie and walks among the zombies, and the zombies don't attack, their counterattack on the city will be over in advance.

  This is what she wants more than the antidote serum!


  The further you go, the more zombies there are on the streets.

  Han Qingxia slowly walked out of the alley, and her presence was felt by the large crowd of zombies on the street in front of her.

  They all ran towards Han Qingxia.

  Han Qingxia grabbed Qin Ke beside her and carried him behind her, using him as a protective pad for her. She teleported under her feet and flashed across the zombie-strewn road.

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