Chapter 59 The Warning and the Truth

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You guys may know him from hit shows as Californication as Richard Bates and Hank Voight from Chicago P.D.  but in this scene and chapter of the novel  we finally meet  Kyle, Lucas and his sisters father who is portrayed by none other than Jason Beghe. Also in this chapter and in future chapters we will also meet their mother who is portrayed by Joanna Going. In this chapter he learns that his son is a music producer who is also avid songwriter and his father is not happy at all but his mother is so proud of him.

As Kyle and myself were rehearsing  the very last song  that we were planning to record  before the live show I had seen someone standing at the window and he was not only was watching us but he was super furious to see what Kyle was doing. Hey, Anna stay right there. Dad what on earth are you doing here and I'm very busy trying to help Anna. I see that you are but this is not what I am wanting to see my own flesh and blood do. This for a living are you crazy.
Kyle, what are you insane you are helping her write songs. Yes, I am and I am very proud of it. Well what about the spot light and what the media thinks about you and all of the lies that they will or could publish about you.

What about all of those thing that they had yet written about you all of those years. Even all of the old news reports that were mentioned about you. Yeah, cause you had a lot of people getting under your own skin and the things that they said about you. I also had found out about that video that you tried to use against me.

Oh, and one more thing. I will not be like her to have parents who had taken their daughter's dreams away from their own child cause they think that its OK. I can't even deal with any of this right now cause I have more important things to do. Gordon what on earth was that about. Look Natalie I just can't have my son being part of a public eye and do you know whats going to happen to him in the long run. The only reason why on earth you are saying that is because you were part of the public eye for years.

Your sports radio show that you host every week and now that you are a vlogger and I think that's where Katie had gotten that from. So what are your trying to say Natalie that my own daughter is going to be a vlogger like her own father. No, I'm not Gordon all that I'm trying to say is that have some decorum for your own children. Yes I do mean it Gordon in a very nice way and I don't want neither of you fighting nor arguing.

Aw,come on Natalie what will he think if he finds out that I'm trying to take his dreams away from him. He's going to be beyond upset. Just look at his friend Anna, she has been through a whole lot since she was growing up. Seeing her being abused by her own parents and the gift that she has for music and singing she has started to amazed everyone.

Kyle comes back into the recording booth and he slams one  of the doors shut so that  both of them can't hear a word that his father is yelling at him. Ugh, That demeaning idiot how dare him trying to come in my way of my own dreams. Anna, I'm so sorry that you had to see that and I'm not that  kind of guy that would usually would be upset unless if its my brother just being annoying.

I think that I really need to go out and go for a nice long walk far away from him. Hey, are you coming with me or what? Yeah, I might as well come any ways cause I need to clear my head myself. Hey how are things going for you and Baxter? It's going super well for both of us and he is super excited to see me live my dreams.

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