Babies again!?

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It happened again the tombjuice had struck and turned Riccaro and Lychee back into babies. Poor Davis has to deal with the two little demons. (literally demons) Now onto the oneshot.

Riccaro POV
Me and Lychee were hanging out until I saw something shiny. Once Lychee was distracted I went over and grabbed it. It has a weird liquid in it maybe I should ask Lychee. "Hey Lychee what is this for-" all of a sudden I trip and it breaks the weird liquid going on both me and Lychee. We both eneded up passed out.

Davis POV
I was heading back to me and my brothers little house we created. Hopefully they didn't destroy anything. When I opened the door I saw two toddlers sitting on the ground. "Big Bwo Dawis." They both said. They ran up and hugged me and started to cry. "Why are you guys crying?" I smelt a weird odor and realozed they both pooped themselves. (I couldn't resist writing that.) I go and change their diapers. "Lets pway hide and week." Riccaro said. After that the two little toddlers ran and began to hide. After 10 seconds I went to find them. I saw the door to the outside open I instantly ran out there to check if they are out there. When I didnt find them I ran everywhere and I mean everywhere. I even hopped dimensions trying to find them. Then I had a thought. What if they are still at the house. I ran back to the house and saw it a wreck. The TV was bent not broken bent. The couch has took the place on the TV stand. There was a fire in the sink with the water running still. On top of all that I see them asleep on the ground. They wake up and see how angry I am. "Bwo you finally fwund us." Lychee said. "What happened here young men?" "Well you see there was a big troll and we tried to kill it." Riccaro said. I knew it was a lie but I just rolled my eyes. "Bwo I'm hungwy. I want chicken nuggies." "We don't have chicken nuggets Riccaro." I said. Clearly Riccaro didn't like me saying that. "I WANT CHICKEN NUGGIES NOW!" "NO WE DONT HAVE ANY." I screamed back. Riccaro got so mad that he started to throw a fit. Lychee just sat and watched until he started to bend the TV more. "Lychee don't bend the TV." This made him upset and he started to cry. I signed and went out to buy chicken nuggets. Once I came back I made them and they enjoyed it. After that they turned back to regular size and after I told them to clean all this up they both said nope we had no part of this and walked away.

Poor Davis having to deal with demon toddlers. Anyways see you in the next oneshot.

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