I have to be strong for my sons

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So in this oneshot Cal will be upsety spaghetti. He will walk to his room but see Riccaro and Solis looking upset. He will put a brave face on and try to be strong. They notice something is wrong and make him a cake. Now onto the oneshot.

I can't believe everyone thinks I'm weak. I try to be strong but everyone keeps pushing me down again making me feel like I'm nothing. I wish I knew who my godly parent is. What if they hated me to and didn't want to be seen with me. I should probably go back to my room no one would care that I missed this weeks trial. I had back to the pyramid when I saw Solis and Riccaro looking upset. I turn around and wipe my eyes making sure I looked presentable. "Hey guys what's wrong?" "No one wants to play with us." "They all called us annoying brats to." Solis and Riccaro both said. Why would the call them that. "Well I can play with you." Did I really just say that? "Really!" Riccaro said with hopeful eyes. I nodded Solis then said, "Lets play hide and seek!" Riccaro agreed and I began to count. After I finished counting I began to look for them.

Solis POV
Me and Riccaro hid in his room. "Somethings wrong with mama Cal." Riccaro said. "I agree Cal does seem to be acting different." Riccaro then had stars in his eyes. "If we can get to the mess hall while he is looking for us maybe we can make a cake for him!" After Riccaro said that we auietly snuck out of the room and headed for the mess hall. We began to make the cake but neither of us knew what we were doing. We decided to wing it.

Where can those two be. I start to look around camp but to no avail. I go back to the pyramid and still see no one. Maybe I can cry for a little bit. I start to cry and I think of everything that happened to me. I heard a cough and I look up to see a slightly burnt cake with crappy writing on it that says, 'Best Mama Ever.' I start to cry and look at the two. "Cal we will always be there for you no matter what. You don't have to be strong for us." Solis had said. Riccaro came over with a card and I looked at it and saw a poorly drawn Solis, Riccaro, and Me. "I hope you like it I am a really good drawer so I decided to make the card!" Riccaro said with enthusiasm. "Thank you guys I love it." Now everytime someone says something mean they are always there to make me feel better. God I love those kids.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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