✨Marcus Armstrong - Stress

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I wrinkle yet another sheet of paper and chuck it on the floor. I hated studying English. What kinda language was it anyway? Its a dumb language! It wasn't my first language and I could just about grasp it yet now, I had to analyse poetry by Emily Dickinson. She threw random dashes and capital letters everywhere, why? It baffled me. I was trapped within my mind at that moment that I didn't realise my boyfriend Marcus creep in the door. He saw me with my headphones on studying and devised a plan quickly to scare me so he crept closer and closer until... "Boo!" I jumped out of my seat and clench my fist and just punch, not knowing who it was. "Ow!" He yelped on the ground. "Marcus! What the hell!" I shout. "You have good first instinct that's for sure. I don't have to worry about you being here by yourself at least." He said in a nasally tone as I had just punched his nose. "Are you okay?" I ask bending done to help him up. "Yeah I think so." I poke his nose and he winces in pain. "Oh I'm sorry baby but you know better than to creep up on me." I say. "That is the most insincere apology I have ever heard." I roll my eyes and help him up. "At least it isn't bleeding. Let me go make you a cup of tea or something." I say. I turn around to go but he pulls me back. "No, no. My nose is fine now. You sit down and do your study and I'll make the tea." He says before going to make me a cup of tea.

He returned a few minutes later and I felt as if I got dumber in those few minutes. "Maldito bastardo!" I shout and slma my fist on the desk. "Woah. Language!" He says carefully balancing a cup of tea on a tray with some fruit, sweets and biscuits. "Who the hell had fruit with tea?" I ask taking a biscuit. "The person who is training and on a diet which is me." I nod. "I hate english to much." I groan. "Well you decided to study it. Why am I the therapist in this situation?" He chuckles drinking his tea. "Eres un coñazo." I grumble under my breath. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." He smirked. "I will throw a dictionary at you, see how much words will hurt you." He gulped and sat just watching me read through my notes before breaking the silence.

"Do you want me to run you a bath?" He asked. "I want you to run me over Marcus. Run me over in your fucking car please." He chuckled. "Kinky." I snap my head around and glare at him. "Marcus! Stop making it so weird oh my god!" He laughs and falls off the chair onto the floor. "I'm not making it weird! You made it weird after saying you wanted me to run you over!" I turn back around and slam my head onto the desk. "I just want to sleep!" I whine loudly. "How about this then, I'll go run you a bath with that bath bomb you bought and while you're in the bath, I'll get some food and set up the couch for a night in. How's that sound?" I reluctantly agree with him as he gets up, places a kiss onto my hair an disappears into the bathroom. "And don't forget to clean up your books!" He called back. God I loved him. He made me a better person, he's my favourite person. I didnt think I could love someone more than I loved Marcus. I'm just so surprised it took this long for me to realise that he is the one, the guy I want to be with from now until the end of time. Marcus Armstrong.

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