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Many people did not get the hint i left as a picture in last chapter :)

Welcome back to the chapter number 116 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



"Idiot..." Izumi whispered seeing the cloud of dust on the mountain she just knew Naruto was there either causing trouble or getting himself into trouble, she was slightly worried about him due to the fact he couldn't use chakra on this island not to mention he could barely walk on the ice, if a pack of wolves attacked him he'd be dead.

"What's happening?" Yakui asked as he ran up to both Izumi and Sheria, the old woman immediately bopped Yakui on the top of his head with her wooden stick sending him crashing to the ground and holding his head in pain.

"I told you to stop sneaking up on me" Sheria shouted angrily.

"Hey...old woman...you said you read fates right?" Izumi asked glancing at Sheria who calmed down to look at Izumi.

"Yeah...that's right" Sheria replied back and Izumi narrowed her eyes back onto the mountain.

"Did you read Naruto's fate?" Izumi questioned her eyes still narrowed onto where the dust on the mountain had been.

"Yes" Sheria answered and before Izumi could reply Yakui jumped in shaking Sheria's shoulders.

"Oi, did you read Izumi-chan's fate what did you see?" Yakui asked hoping that perhaps Sheria had seen him in Izumi's fate.

"You know I can't see what happens in the future idiot I can only see the fate of people not how they will live their life" Sheria answered confusing Yakui wasn't it pretty much the same thing anyway.

Izumi glanced at Sheria for a second at what she said there was no way there was any truth in this woman's words since there was no way Izumi thought she could be saved from her disease or getting herself killed by Sasuke. It was bullshit for her anyway to believe her fate wasn't set in stone due to the fact she had made sure that each step she took was a step closer to her death.

"But there was that one time you told that couple they would have a baby" Yakui said trying to make sense of Sheria's gift not noticing the dark expression that came across Sheria's face.

"No...I told them that they were fated to die protecting a baby that's all" Sheria stated a sad expression coming across her face that had been the first time she had ever seen someone's fate so clearly.

"Well whatever your gift is it doesn't matter to me I'm leaving to the mountain" Izumi said jumping onto the closest building to the wall of the village before jumping over it.

"Hey wait for me" Yakui shouted also jumping onto the building however with a bit more difficulty and followed Izumi's example jumping over the wall of the village.

"Kids today...but still it's strange I couldn't see that girls fate" Sheria said to herself in a mutter before retreating back to her home it had been a long day.

A few hours earlier

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration as he ran...well slid and fell over to the giant mountain ahead of him it was a mistake to come to this island his mind was already in a messed up state but coming here had only backed up his fears and worries. He felt scared and helpless that after everything he had been through...surviving the shinobi world, surviving a war and even fighting Kages only to be defeated by a lousy disease what a joke he needed to do so much and survive it all.

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