Chapter 14 The auction company

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Qin Chi knows what will happen in the future, and also knows that the company will be useless in the future. Since the people of the Zhang family want the company so much, he doesn't need to be polite, just use the idea of ​​a few people who want to take advantage and let him make a good mistake.

"Brother Zhi, I want to open a supermarket. You sell the company to them. Let's open a supermarket together. How about starting from scratch?" Qin Chi took Zhang Zhi's hand and asked seriously.

Zhang Zhi was so shocked by his words that he was speechless, and at the same time, he was also full of loss.

Qin Chi...Does he really want to open a supermarket with him, or is he deliberately trying to make a bitter plan with Zhang Leyue in order to paralyze him and take the initiative to hand over the power of the company?

Zhang Zhi felt that the Qin Chi in front of him was like a bottomless pool that he couldn't see clearly and couldn't understand. He couldn't understand every thought and every move.

Qin Chi has been with Zhang Zhi for so many years, and he can guess what he is thinking by looking at his frown. At this moment, seeing Zhang Zhi's confused and fragile expression, his own heart hurts like being pierced by thousands of needles. Can't breathe quickly.

It was his cruel indifference towards Zhang Zhi for a long time that led to Zhang Zhi's distrust. Whatever he sow, he had brought forth the fruit of his own.

"Brother Zhi, when you get the money, all the bank cards will be handed over to you for safekeeping. The supermarket is also yours. I don't touch anything, only you are mine, okay?"

He didn't know how to make Zhang Zhi Anxiety, but that company really doesn't have any meaning, and the Zhang family is present, so he can't explain it carefully to Zhang Zhi.

The three Zhang family were overjoyed when they heard Qin Chi say this, and they quickly added to the flames, half threatening and half seducing Zhang Zhi to give up the company to them, they would definitely take care of the company better and so on.

Qin Chi just wanted to sneer when he heard it, "Let"? Fart, don't take out the money, don't even think about taking a single strand of hair from him!

The five people were noisy all morning, and the three people were clamoring endlessly, asking Zhang Zhi to give up the company as soon as possible, otherwise they would go to court to sue Qin Chi, and let people taste the taste of prison.

In the end, it was Qin Chi who made a final decision despite Zhang Zhi's obstruction.

"Ten million, the company will be handed over to you, and all the shares in the name of my brother and I will belong to you. Just agree, if you don't, get out."

Zhang Xu stood up first, as irritable and furious as a dinosaur: "Ten million? Are you playing with me?"

Qin Chi raised his eyes and looked at him coldly, "You don't know how much income the company can bring you every year." Otherwise, it wouldn't be so shameless.

Zhang Xu still wanted to say something, but Father Zhang pondered for a while, but then slowly asked, "You can decide this matter?"

Qin Chi glanced at Zhang Zhi who was a little anxious beside him, squeezed his hand tightly, and replied with a smile, "In the early days of the company's construction, my parents invested in them, and they are also the largest shareholders. When I am an adult, the shares are all in my head. In terms of the right to speak in the company, I am bigger than Zhige."

This is true. With the help of his parents, Zhang Zhi, a young man who is isolated and has no capital, is basically equivalent to an orphan, how could he have developed the company to such a level in just a few years?

Zhang Zhi heard what Qin Chi said, and understood that he couldn't persuade him, so he closed his eyes and stopped talking, letting him make decisions.

Forget it, he owes it to this person. Anyway, his company is indeed supported by Qin Chi's parents to get on the right track. If he has nothing in the end, he should pay the Qin family's debt.

Qin Chi knew that Zhang Zhi was very low, and he felt very distressed about it, but Zhang Zhi would soon understand that his decision was not wrong.

Father Zhang thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "10 million, I really can't come up with it, can I..."

"No, I want all the funds, and I won't accept shares or installments." Qin Chi was not that stupid, and gave Zhang Zhi's hard work away with an impossible agreement.

Father Zhang was ruthless, "Okay, I will find a way to get the money, you should get the formalities ready as soon as possible."

After he finished speaking, he, Mother Zhang and Zhang Xu got up and left, and probably would mortgage Zhang Zhi to them after returning home. He bought a luxury car and a luxury house and loaned it to Qin Chi.

Qin Chi didn't feel that he was going too far. Since the three of them wanted something that should not belong to them, they should pay the price. And when the apocalypse arrives, there will be nowhere to return the money in the bank.

After that, Qin Chi took Zhang Zhi to the hospital. He kept telling jokes and interesting things to Zhang Zhi on the way. He wanted to amuse people a little bit. Zhang Zhi saw that he was searching for fun jokes, and finally laughed and shook his head helplessly.

This child seems to have grown up, will feel distressed, and has his own considerations. He is no longer the young master who used to eat and drink. If Qin Chi wants to do something, he just needs to support him silently behind him. Don't think too much about other things. After all, if there was no Qin family's parents, he would not be where he is now, and for Qin Chi, no matter how much he spoiled him, he always felt that it was not enough.

It's a mere company, Qin Chi can take it if he wants, anyway, he is still young, and there will be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

After going to the hospital for an IV and taking some medicine, Qin Chi took Zhang Zhi home to rest again. While Zhang Zhi was taking a nap, he ordered a lot of dehydrated vegetables and fruits from the Internet again and piled them all into the warehouse.

When night was approaching, Qin Chi made dinner and asked Zhang Zhi to get up, and the two had another hearty meal. When he thought that after the end of the world, these fragrant and hot foods would not be eaten, Qin Chi felt so sad.

After the end of the world, you can also cook. As long as you have rice and noodles, you can find a safe place to make a fire to cook. But the problem is that in the end times, there are many crises and lack of food and clothing. There are a few people who have the leisure to cook and eat slowly. ?

Qin Chi added another item to the list, planning to buy some instant food such as instant noodles. Of course, not only instant noodles, but also self-heating rice, instant hot pot, fruit meal porridge, brewed soup, etc. can be prepared. Anyway, when the Zhang family donates the 10 million, the money in Qin Chi's hand will be Too many to use up at all.

After eating, Qin Chi took Zhang Zhi to the garage to continue practicing his marksmanship, so that Zhang Zhi must be able to use it proficiently before the end of the world.

Zhang Zhi is a smart person, he can learn everything quickly, and he has Qin Chi's one-on-one tutoring, so he quickly mastered the basic skills. How to adjust breathing, what posture to use to minimize recoil, how to broaden vision, etc. Zhang Zhiyuan learned faster than the average person.

Although Zhang Zhi's marksmanship is still far behind Qin Chi Lao Yuan and the others, it is enough for now. The main enemy in the early days of the apocalypse is still humans. When the number of zombies increases and they become extremely ferocious, it will probably be something in the middle of the apocalypse. .

But by that time, Zhang Zhi should also learn how to use various guns in battles.

After the practice time, Qin Chi went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out, he couldn't find Zhang Zhi everywhere. He told him to miss a beat on the spot. .

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