Chapter 25 Chaos

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Qin Chi retracted his gaze, and it happened that the wallet fell on the ground. He leaned down to pick it up, and suddenly saw an inconspicuous scar on the neck of the small man.

It's like being scratched by a cat or dog and then scabbed over. It's no big deal, but Qin Chi is always a little worried and thinks nervously.

The tattooed man was still scolding, and in his words, Qin Chi also figured out what happened. It was probably because the tattooed man lost money in gambling, and was surrounded by creditors and was crushed by a car accident. The bad luck to come caused him to fail one after another, and he poured all his anger on his lover.

Some people couldn't stand the vulgar swear words, and they called the hospital director to ask the tattooed man to shut up, which caused a series of quarrels, and the hall was full of trouble.

Qin Chi was upset. He glanced at the time and the bottle. Zhang Zhi's drip was about half an hour away, and they had to leave the hospital as soon as possible after that.

Zhang Zhi saw Qin Chi's anxious expression, he took his hand and put it on his thigh, "What's the matter?"

Qin Chi was afraid that his lover would be worried, so he forced a smile, "It's alright, let's go quickly after you finish drowning. ."

Zhang Zhi nodded and went to see the water bottle with him.

Before Zhang Zhi's infusion was over, the hall suddenly became very hot. The outside temperature has already reached 40°C, and the room was not hot because of the air conditioner. I wonder if the air conditioner is broken. The heat waves rushed into the hall one after another. Some went to the nurse, and some complained about how it was so hot in the hospital.

The tattooed man on the hospital bed next to him even kicked and kicked the little man, saying that he brought bad luck to the hospital. Now, they have accused tattooed men.

Qin Chi only noticed a few people coming out of the nurse's station, and explained to everyone that it seemed that the hospital's electrical system had malfunctioned and was looking for someone to repair it.

Although it was excusable, it was so hot in the hospital that everyone was sweating while sitting still, and everyone complained.

Zhang Zhi was also very hot, but he could hold on. After he finished the water treatment, Qin Chi immediately took him out of the infusion hall.

The hospital was full of people, all complaining constantly about the abnormally high temperature. The doctors and nurses were in a hurry to comfort patients and do their jobs. The whole hospital was in chaos for a while.

Qin Chi held Zhang Zhi's hand tightly, and the two walked out through the crowd.

"There is an air conditioner in the car. Brother Zhi, please hold on." Qin Chi's palms were all sweaty, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of the heat or because he was too confused.

It was so abnormal, everything in the hospital made him feel horrified, as if if he didn't leave, something terrible would happen in the next second.

Zhang Zhi noticed Qin Chi's nervousness, pressed the back of his hand lightly, and said in a low voice, "Calm down, the car is parked over there."

They went completely opposite directions.

Qin Chi patted his forehead and was a little speechless, and then pulled Zhang Zhi in the opposite direction.

Just when he was devastated by the inexplicable panic, Lao Yuan made a phone call.

"Hello, Lao Yuan?" Qin Chi answered the phone while looking for the car before he could see where the car was parked.

There were a few chirps on the phone, probably because the signal was not good, and then Lao Yuan's rough voice came from the phone, "Brother, where are you and my sister-in-law?"

"In the hospital, I'm going out right away. "

When Qin Chi answered the phone, Zhang Zhi had already found the car and stood by the car and waved to Qin Chi.

Qin Chi walked over quickly, and as soon as he opened the car door, he heard Lao Yuan lowered his voice, "Hurry up, the situation in the city is not right, let's go out of the city quickly."

Lao Yuan is very sensitive to the arrival of the crisis, and Qin Chi's heart froze for a while. , opened the car door and sat in, then asked, "What happened?"

Zhang Zhi also sat in the car, closed the door, and fastened his seat belt under Qin Chi's eyes.

Afterwards, Qin Chi turned on the speakerphone and let Lao Yuan's words come out clearly.

"The city just had a power outage and traffic was paralyzed. I think it's a bit abnormal. Anyway, hurry up with my sister-in-law. We'll meet at the gas station in Ximen." " Understood, be


Forbearance, don't conflict with others, in the future, my brother will get you justice!" After

hanging up the phone, Qin Chi's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

City-wide power outage? In your last life, in the three days before the end of the world, did this happen?

No matter what, let's leave Luocheng first.

Zhang Zhi turned on the air conditioner, opened the car window again, and looked at the entrance of the hospital hall.

Several people stumbled out of the automatic glass door, ran out of the door, and dared not turn their heads.

What the hell is going on?

Qin Chi vaguely guessed something, and glanced sideways at the person he swore to protect. After calming down, he stepped on the brakes, turned the steering wheel, and drove the car to the outside of the hospital.

As soon as the car hit the road, the two heard an earth-shattering scream from the hospital building.

Qin Chi and Zhang Zhi looked at each other, and both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

Before he could figure out what was going on in the building, Zhang Zhi saw a man covered in blood stumbled out. He fell to the ground before taking two steps, lying on the ground twitching.

Immediately, another skinny man rushed out, crawling and crawling, madly pounced on the man like a foraging beast, opened his mouth and bit his neck.

A few seconds later, the man raised his head again, holding a trachea-like organ in his mouth, and beads of blood spurted out of the man's neck.

Rao is Zhang Zhi, such a calm and calm person, his face changed, "Isn't that the husband next to us during the infusion?"

Qin Chi calmly said "um", he had seen the small man with injuries before, I didn't expect it to turn into a zombie so quickly.

More people poured out behind the two, and several were covered in blood. Seeing this scene, they all screamed in terror, screaming for help and scrambling to escape from the hospital. Get on the road.

Zhang Zhi was stunned, but Qin Chi reacted quickly and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate forward.

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