Chapter 42 On the highway

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Qin Chi quickly started the off-road vehicle and quickly drove to the appointed place along the location marked on the map.

Ever since we parted ways with Brother Hu's group in the morning, Zhang Zhi has been trying to contact Lao Yuan and the others, but he has never responded. There is only one cell left on the cell phone signal. The signal was interrupted for a long time, and even the information could not be sent out.

Qin Chi had known for a long time that this would happen. After the end of the world, the signal tower will not be repaired, let alone mobile phones, computers, or radios. It will only get better after external support arrives.

But at that time, I didn't know how long it would take.

Qin Chi was driving the car, and an adult in front of him was standing in the middle of the road with a child on his back. Without blinking, Qin Chi slammed into it with a bang, knocking one big and one small into the sky.

After the two fell to the ground, their broken arms were thrown out, but they still stood up tremblingly, staring blankly at the world that had lost its color to them with half-rotten eyes.

Qin Chi was driving very fast, Zhang Zhi grabbed the armrest of the car wall with one hand, and frowned tightly.

"There's another one in front."

Rows of zombies that were gradually decaying under the high temperature were wandering on the road, and it seemed that they should be people nearby. After the zombie virus broke out, they were on the edge of the city with no information, and they didn't have time to escape or avoid them. As a result, they became what they are now.

Qin Chi said calmly, "It doesn't matter, as long as we are not besieged, our car can hold up."

For this life-saving off-road vehicle, he spent tens of millions of dollars, and spent so much effort, so that even this kind of zombie can't hold back. .

Qin Chi stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle made a loud bang, slamming into the zombie group like a bowling ball, knocking several stiff and rotten zombies along the way, opening a path.

The weather is too hot and the sun is blazing, the zombies seem to have restrained themselves, moving slowly, and showing little interest in humans. In the situation at school the night before yesterday, Qin Chi would never dare to drive deep into the zombie horde.

After driving through the section of the road where the zombies are concentrated, you will be on the national road.

There is no radio, and the mobile phone can't access the Internet. Neither of them knows what's going on in the city, so they can only drive forward according to the alert point on the map.

From the map, they were only an hour or two away from the South Gate, but now the situation is special, it is too difficult to go to the South Gate to find Lao Yuan and the others.

Zhang Zhi has been changing radio channels, trying to get information from the outside world through the radio.

Seeing the dull atmosphere, Qin Chi jokingly said, "Brother Zhi, I have downloaded movies and e-books on my computer. You can watch movies when you are bored."

Zhang Zhi was amused by him, and his tense face was instantly replaced by a smile.

"You're so well prepared." Without zombies, they'd be like a vacation.

Qin Chi held the steering wheel with one hand and touched his nose, "Life is short, so you have to have fun, right?"

There were no zombies nearby, so Zhang Zhi also relaxed, leaning on the back of his chair and chatting with Qin Chi without a word.

Since the zombies appeared in the fight, the two fled all the way, and they have not been able to communicate well. It will be difficult to escape the danger, and Qin Chi's crooked thoughts also come up.

His estrus season is approaching. Although he has an inhibitor, he has his own Beta. Why use that kind of thing? And he and Zhang Zhi haven't done what a husband and wife should do for a long time. As an Alpha with a strong sexual desire, he can't eat or watch while holding the fragrant Beta every day.

Zhang Zhi's pheromone can be ignored, and the estrus period is also very short and infrequent. From childhood to adulthood, a single inhibitor can solve his estrus period. Therefore, it is difficult for him to understand why Alpha and Omega in estrus are like different individuals, especially Omega, who is simply looking for love and love.

Qin Chi's estrus season is approaching, and his mind is full of him. When talking to him, his Adam's apple moves up and down uncomfortably with his swallowing movements. Night tremors. But he didn't know how tempting he was to Qin Chi. He chatted with Qin Chi like a little white rabbit, making Qin Chi complain in secret.

The temperature outside dropped a little, so Qin Chi turned off the air conditioner in the car to save fuel. Zhang Zhi saw that the neighborhood was safe, so he also took off his jacket, revealing the white shirt inside.

He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his delicate collarbone and firm pectoral muscles. He put one hand on the car window against his head, and talked to Qin Chi about happy things.

Zhang Zhi doesn't look like an Omega, but he has a good figure. At 1.8 meters, he has a well-proportioned body shape. He is neither a slender and soft type like Omega, nor is he a tough guy type with strong muscles and exploding muscles. Although his muscles are underdeveloped, he is very beautiful, and there is a little more between his waist and abdomen. There is no fat, and a thin layer of abdominal muscles feels very comfortable to the touch.

After the miscarriage, Zhang Zhi lost a lot of weight, his chin was sharpened, and his body shape changed. Sometimes Qin Chi hugged him, and he could feel his protruding ribs through his clothes.

There is a freezer in the storage box, where old hens and some ginseng He Shou Wu are frozen. When they meet with Lao Yuan and the others, Qin Chi wants to use the kitchen utensils in their car to boil some chicken soup for Zhang Zhi to replenish his body.

Thinking that Zhang Zhi's body became so bad, it was because he was stupid and scumbag, and the lust brought by the estrus period subsided immediately, Qin Chi put away his crooked thoughts and concentrated on driving.

Forget it, this time in estrus, it's better to rely on inhibitors.

The car drove to the 796 National Highway, and there were gradually more people alive. All of them drove their cars and fled. Looking at the direction, they all went to the South Gate.

During this period, the mobility of zombies is not much different from that of a pool of rotten meat. The movements are slow and stiff, and their own reactions are also slow. Except for the unsuspecting and inconvenient, and the idiots who insist on sending heads to the zombies, as long as If you don't fall into the zombie group, few people will be careless to be killed by one or two zombies.

Especially in the few days after the appearance of zombies, humans have a relatively deep understanding of zombies, knowing that as long as they are not bitten, they will not be infected, and now they can join hands to deal with zombies.

When Qin Chi stopped by the roadside to drink water, he heard from several people who also stopped and smoked that the zombies in the urban area were under control, and the situation seemed to be improving. The crisis is over.

If he hadn't experienced those five years of hell, Qin Chi would have believed it. He is far less optimistic than these people. After all, in his previous life, he had heard this kind of words a lot.

Qin Chi didn't understand very much. It was obvious that Luocheng had military institutions and troops stationed there. How did it completely fall and become a zombie lair.

Unless, the army has been captured by zombies?

This thought made Qin Chi shudder, he quickly finished drinking water, changed Zhang Zhi to drive, and continued on his way.

In any case, getting out of the city early is the last word.

There are humans around, so don't worry too much about zombie attacks. Qin Chi closed his eyes and slept for a while. When he woke up, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. When he opened his eyes, he saw a long convoy in front of him, and he didn't look like he wanted to move for a long time.

Zhang Zhizheng was chatting with someone in a car next to him, and when he looked back, he saw Qin Chi woke up and said with a smile, "Are you full of sleep? Drink some water."

Qin Chi shook his head and complained, "I've slept too long too. Well, brother, why didn't you wake me up?"

"You haven't slept well lately, and you've been stuck in traffic jams. There's nothing to do when you're awake." Zhang Zhi said, took a can of energy drink from the back seat and handed it to Qin Chi, and took out the biscuits next to the seat. Let Qin Chi eat to satisfy his hunger.

Qin Chi was really hungry, so he ate the biscuits in three or two bites, and drank a drink to listen to Zhang Zhi exchange information with the person in the car next to him.

It was an Omega man with a child. The girl in his arms was about four or five years old, and she was very cute. Zhang Zhi stared at the little girl and couldn't bear to look away.

The man was an optimist and said to Zhang Zhi, "We heard that there is an army stationed near the South Gate. Anyway, as long as we can reach the South Gate smoothly, it will be fine. Hey, you are a couple, don't you have any children?"

Qin Chi felt nervous. , sure enough, Zhang Zhi's face was stiff. After a few seconds, he pretended to be pointless and said with a smile, "No, my husband is still young.

" Caused a miscarriage, there is nothing more jerk than him in this world!

Qin Chi felt so guilty that he didn't dare to look at Zhang Zhi again.

No one knows how much Zhang Zhi likes children.

The man also seemed to feel that he was in pain, and quickly changed the subject, "You are also going to the South Gate, right? Is it just the two of you? Are your parents and brothers not around?"

Zhang Zhi took a bag of small biscuits from the car and handed it to him. To the little girl who had been blinking at him, she replied casually, "Our parents are gone."

Male: "..."

He is really not suitable for chatting with strangers.

"Cough, Niuniu, why don't you thank uncle?" Realizing that Zhang Zhi likes children, the man hurriedly pushed the girl out and apologized.

Niuniu is an introvert, and only lies in her father's arms and smiles sweetly at Zhang Zhi, and Zhang Zhi smiles back.

The man was a talker and continued: "My husband's parents and I are both outside the province. This time we escaped from Luocheng, and we will go back to our hometown. Even if the family dies, we have to die together, don't you think?"

Zhang Zhi Nodding, seeing that the little girl couldn't wait to eat after Dad opened the biscuits, her eyes were a little dazed.

"Brother Zhi." Qin Chi was worried and tentatively pulled his hand.

Zhang Zhi came back to his senses, seeing Qin Chi's expression full of caution, guilt and cringe like a child who made a mistake and wanting to touch him, his heart suddenly felt a little sour.

The baby is gone, he can't make Qin Chi sad anymore.

"It's okay, I'm thinking about when the traffic will be open." Zhang Zhinian held Qin Chi's hand and said with a smile, "Fortunately we don't have children, otherwise he would have to suffer with us along the way." Rather

than follow them It is better to be displaced in the end times than...

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