Chapter 57

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After leaving Luocheng, the temperature dropped a little, and the air was not as dry as when he was in Luocheng. Zhang Zhi turned off the air conditioner in the car.

People in other cities should also know the existence of zombies, but they didn't know where to flee for a while. They only hoarded supplies and hid at home to wait for the disaster to pass.

Zombies did not suddenly appear all over the world, just like in China. At first, only Luocheng and Kaesong were in serious condition. There were also a small number of zombies wandering in other cities.

Qin Chi calculated the time. At this time, the zombie virus should be evolving soon.

The first to be scratched by a zombie, without the contact of saliva and blood, the injured person will not be infected, but after the evolution of the zombie virus, even if it is only scratched by a zombie, the virus will spread to the whole body, causing the injured person to be infected.

At the same time, the speed and energy of zombies will be enhanced, which is comparable to that of humans, and even the water source will be polluted, and it needs to be purified by special means before drinking.

When they didn't know the source of water could also lead to infection, many people inadvertently turned into zombies because they drank unpurified water, which caused a large-scale infection and could not be controlled at all.

Thinking of the troubles in his previous life, Qin Chi took out his computer and planned to write a note and spread it online, reminding the majority of compatriots not to drink water indiscriminately.

However, when Qin Chi turned on the computer, he realized that the network signal was really bad.

He thought that only Luocheng had a bad signal, but he didn't expect that it was so far away from Luocheng that the signal was still blocked, so he could only play single-player games like Muzi, and it was impossible to post.

Qin Chi closed the computer gloomily, and Zhang Zhi beside him was already discussing the route with Lao Yuan through the TV on the car wall.

"What we lack most now is gasoline, so it's best not to miss any gas station along the way." Zhang Zhi marked on the map and said to Lao Yuan, "After Luocheng was blocked, not many people escaped. , people in other cities probably won't run around, and the gas stations in nearby towns and suburbs should have more oil storage." In the

cab, Lao Yuan was smoking a cigarette, and the smell of smoke permeated the small space. Wen Jia frowned and opened the car window.

"Yeah, gasoline is the most important thing. The fuel tank of this car is going to be empty again. It's really troublesome." The full 800L of fuel storage is not enough for the RV to run too far, which shows how much fuel this behemoth consumes.

If the air conditioners and kitchen utensils are not powered by solar energy, I don't know how much gasoline will be consumed.

Qin Chi put his arms around Zhang Zhi's waist and said, "The problem is that I found the oil, but there is nowhere to put it."

Zhang Zhi took off the space box around his neck and said the command to turn on the 3D projector.

"Is there anything I can put in the car to free up some space?"

Qin Chi squinted and watched for a while, "No, I can't bear to take out a bottle of mineral water in the space."

Zhang Zhi pushed on his glasses, " Yes." And when moving, it's best not to overload the RV so as not to affect the speed of escape.

"When you get to Letan City, go to Grandpa's house." Qin Chi had other goals in mind, so he couldn't tell the truth to Zhang Zhi, so he whispered in his ear, "I want to know where you grew up, Brother Zhi. , and also, give grandpa a pillar of incense."

Zhang Zhiqing coughed, the tips of his ears were slightly red. He took off his glasses and rubbed his thumb on the lenses to wipe off the mist.

"You can go if you want. Just in time, it's time for me to visit grandpa's grave."

Since Grandpa Zhang's death, Zhang Zhi has been unpopular with Zhang's family, and rarely goes back during New Years and holidays. Before marrying Qin Chi, he would go to visit his grandfather's grave every year. Although he was ridiculed and ridiculed by his family, he was able to speak his heart out in front of his grandfather's grave, and the grievance was nothing.

After that, as the company grew bigger and bigger, Zhang Zhi became busier and busier. In addition, Qin Chi and Zhang Leyue got together, and he was worried that if he left, the two would go to bed and rarely return to Letan City.

Now that Qin Chi is willing, of course he is very happy to take Qin Chi to his grandfather's tomb and let the old man know Qin Chi.

In this world, Zhang Zhi's two favorite people are Grandpa Zhang and Qin Chi.

Lao Yuan's voice came from the TV, "I'm sorry to bother you with flirting, I'll just ask, Xiao Zhang, how is your family's character, are you trustworthy? If they want to get in the car with us , will it be dangerous?" It's

not that Lao Yuan can't trust Zhang Zhi, but that people's hearts are sinister, if they're not very trustworthy people, they can't be reassuring to join them.

Zhang Zhi frowned slightly, "I won't let them get in the car, don't worry."

Zhang Zhi knows better than anyone what the temperament of the Zhang family is. He thought that Zhang Leyue was still young, and he could change his selfish personality by correcting it hard, but after the incident with Brother Hu, Zhang Zhi no longer trusted Zhang Leyue.

This RV and the materials in the space were collected by Lao Yuan, Qin Chi and others. Zhang Zhi admitted that he did not contribute a half. He was very grateful that they let him get on the car. The reason why the Zhang family brought them into the car.

With Zhang Zhi's promise, both Lao Yuan and Qin Chi were relieved.

Especially Qin Chi, he was always worried that Zhang Zhi would be soft-hearted and insisted on saving Zhang Leyue and others. But thinking about it carefully, the reason why Zhang Zhi "never left or abandoned" to Zhang Leyue in his previous life was not because he was fooling around, saying that if Zhang Zhi dared to throw Zhang Leyue away, he would leave with Zhang Leyue and part ways with Zhang Zhi.

It was because of his threat that Zhang Zhicai had to take Zhang Leyue and Wei Zhinan, two white-eyed wolves, to survive everywhere.

Thinking of his once stupid and bad self, Qin Chi felt a little sullen, lying on the back of Zhang Zhi's neck, holding Zhang Zhi's glands in one bite.

Zhang Zhi was shocked. Although he and Qin Chi had become very close recently, he had also unlocked a lot of shameful new postures on the bed, and his face had thickened a lot. Body licking, and Lao Yuan winked at them through the video, Zhang Zhi's face turned red in an instant.

Under Qin Chi's malicious obstruction, Zhang Zhi managed to turn off the video. He couldn't help but gasped and whispered accusing Qin Chi, "When there is no one in the future... ah..."

Qin Chi's hand had already burrowed into his clothes , with a smirk: "Brother Zhi, my estrus period isn't over yet."

"Why haven't I..."

"It was interrupted, do you think Alpha in estrus can be satisfied for one night? See you on the first day. Am I in heat?"

Zhang Zhi was pinned on the sofa and twisted like a water snake, but he couldn't escape Qin Chi's palm.

Cedar pheromone spurted out like the morning sun, Zhang Zhi was wrapped in familiar pheromone, his legs tightened and loosened, and his lower body gradually became wet.

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Zhang Zhi had to say intermittently: "Close, close the door..."

Qin Chi kissed his navel, then got up and quickly locked the door, and then pressed Zhang Zhi up.

"Brother Zhi..."

Zhang Zhi didn't wake up until the night, when the car was parked on the side of the road, and the smell of food wafted in the carriage.

After finishing the previous work, Qin Chi carried him to the back bed to rest. In the living room, Lao Yuan Wenjia and others were playing cards.

"Damn, what kind of poker are you playing, you already know how to play a slot machine!" Lao Yuan lost so much that he didn't even have any shorts left. He complained and took out some big red banknotes hidden in the soles of his shoes, but Qin Chi snatched them away. , and share the account with Wen Jia.

"I still have the slot machines, do you want to put a casino for you in the space?" Wen Jia said angrily and hilariously.

"Old Yuan lost his wife, can you not feel bad?" Mu Zi nibbled at the apple and rolled his eyes.

Qin Chi crumpled a few banknotes into a ball and threw them into the trash can under the bed.

"This thing, at least it's useless until the end of the apocalypse. I think it's too hard to use it as an insole for me."

Lao Yuan took out a cigarette and lit it, "You don't understand, the banknotes are very commemorative."

Listen . Zhang Zhi laughed as those people were making a fuss, and then slowly sat up from the bed.

It was late, and there was an endless plain outside the RV. Even the houses were rarely seen, and there was not even a single person nearby, and it was a bit terrifyingly quiet.

Zhang Zhi sat for a while, and then stretched out his hand to beat his sore thigh. It happened that Lao Yuan in front of him had lost his temper and stopped playing, so Qin Chi also went to the back of the car to see Zhang Zhi.

"Brother Zhi, are you awake?" Seeing Zhang Zhi leaning on the pillow in a daze, Qin Chi quickly walked over, "Why is it uncomfortable?"

Zhang Zhi blushed a little, so scared that Qin Chi hurriedly touched his forehead.

Fortunately, it wasn't very hot, probably just got up from the quilt and was stuffy.

Zhang Zhi touched the glasses beside the pillow and put them on, and asked Qin Chi to sit behind him and rub his waist.

"Where are we now?"

"There are still more than 200 kilometers away from Letan City. After dinner, I will drive with Ba Ping, let Lao Yuan and Wen Jia rest, and try to arrive in Le Tan City before tomorrow morning."

The earlier you arrive, the more meat you have to eat. Although you don't have to race against time, you can't waste time too much.

Zhang Zhi held his hand, "I've slept enough during the day, let's drive with you at night."

"This car is not easy to drive, you can sleep with you, or you can watch movies and play games if you can't sleep." Qin Chi squeezed his. Tip of the nose, "You used to be too self-disciplined. You only

know how to take care of me and the company, and you haven't relaxed. Now I don't need your care, and I don't have any company to take care of, so you can take a rare rest." Extremely self-disciplined, even if Qin Chi tortured him again at night, when the alarm clock rang at six or seven in the morning, he would open his eyes on time, pack up and go to work top-heavy and never be late.

On the second day of Zhang Zhi's miscarriage, he insisted on going to the company. Apart from not wanting to stay under the same roof with Qin Chi, his own willpower would not allow him to back down because of his physical condition.

Before he fell in love with Zhang Zhi, Qin Chi ignored him at all, but now Qin Chi regards him as more important than his own life, of course it is impossible for him to treat him harshly.

The feeling of being cared for by Qin Chi is very novel, and Zhang Zhi is also very moved, but since the appearance of zombies, Zhang Zhi has become more and more disgusted with himself.

He is a Beta, his physical fitness is not as good as Qin Chi, Lao Yuan and others. He can't help much when driving with a gun or even cooking. He didn't care about collecting supplies. He was really sorry.

He couldn't wait to prove that he was useful, for fear that Qin Chi would kick him away when he met someone better.

He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to leave Qin Chi, who finally made up his mind and became gentle and considerate.

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