Chapter 58 Cold weapon

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In the small kitchen, Ba Ping was calling for dinner, Qin Chi put on Zhang Zhi's shoes, and the two went to help serve the meal together.

The group of six sat in the living room to eat. Ba Ping made a very rich dinner, including vinegared fish, crab race, Kung Pao chicken, gluttonous bullfrog, stewed winter melon and other meat dishes, as well as steamed tofu and cold potato shreds. Dry pot cauliflower, braised bamboo shoots and other vegetarian dishes, with meat and vegetables, rich nutrition.

"Bag's cooking skills are getting better and better. If I eat like this, I'll get fat into a ball." Mu Zi said while eating.

"Would you still be hungry if you are here?" Seeing everyone eating happily, Ba Ping also felt a sense of accomplishment, "But I have to tell you, the fresh vegetables and fruits prepared earlier are almost gone, only the The rest are vacuum-packed and frozen, and when we arrive in Letan City, we really have to go to collect materials immediately."

Qin Chi put down his chopsticks, took out a bottle of red wine from the small cabinet, skipped Muzi and poured a glass for the others. "Well, chef Ba, don't worry, we will deliver fresh vegetables and fruits to your old kitchen as soon as possible, and we will depend on you to feed our stomachs.

" If you have to be like Luo Cheng, you won't be able to eat fresh vegetables anymore, right?" Wen Jia was not as naive as Ba Ping and Mu Zi, he always felt that things would not get better.

"Then why don't we put a layer of soil on the roof of the car and build a small vegetable garden to grow and order vegetables?" Mu Zi put forward a very whimsical idea, and the others were dumbfounded.

After eating, Zhang Zhi wanted to help Ba Ping wash the dishes, but Ba Ping kicked him out of the small kitchen.

Ba Ping was born with a heart to be a chef, but he had a turbulent life and was not suitable for working in a hotel. He pinned all his desire on the noble profession of a chef in the small kitchen of the RV, and wished he could squat in the kitchen 24 hours a day to study dishes. If anyone tried to wash the dishes and cook, he would be taken as his job. The enemy looks upon.

However, Zhang Zhi had no choice but to give up and was pulled by Mu Zi to play games.

"Brother Zhi, let's play Doomsday Massacre 4 together." Mu Zi took out two laptops and threw one to Zhang Zhi, "This is an apocalyptic game, and we are just practicing in it and fighting mutant monsters."

Zhang Zhi Clicking on the desktop game folder, I was surprised to find that there are many game icons in it. It is estimated that the computer memory is completely occupied by games.

Mu Zi said proudly, "I exchanged these two computers with the owner of an Internet cafe with ten boxes of self-heating rice and two boxes of canned beef. He said that these computers were specially customized by customers, and he never picked them up after the zombies appeared. It's full of games, and the configuration is quite high, so I can play whatever I want without getting stuck."

At this time when supplies were scarce in the end of the world, Zhang Zhi didn't know whether it was Muzi who was at a loss, or the owner of the Internet cafe who was bleeding profusely.

Probably, it's not a disadvantage to take what you need.

Mu Zi played the game with great enthusiasm, but after a while, he became worried.

"Oh, I forgot, Doomsday Massacre 4 is a stand-alone game and cannot be connected online." Then how can two people play together?

Zhang Zhi didn't speak, he just took Muzi's computer and tapped on the two computer keyboards.

When Mu Zi saw strange symbols flashing on the computer screen, his eyes were dizzy.

"Brother Zhi, what are you doing?" Before

Zhang Zhi could speak, Qin Chi walked over with two glasses of milk, glanced at it and said, "Rewrite the program and build a special online server, although Brother Zhi is studying financial management, But the IT technology is also very good."

Mu Zi heard it in a fog, but always felt that it was very powerful.

After a while, Zhang Zhi returned a computer to Mu Zi, "It's alright."

Mu Zi was stunned, "What's ok?"

"Online." Zhang Zhi's understatement shocked Mu Zi.

"Oh my God, Brother Zhi, you are too amazing!"

Zhang Zhi said amusedly, "Let's play."

"Mmmm!" Mu Zi started the game excitedly, and after finding out that he could really team up with Zhang Zhi to fight zombies , I sincerely praised Zhang Zhi.

Qin Chi listened to Mu Zi's compliments on the side, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

He had lived with Zhang Zhi for so long, and in the last few years of his previous life, he had finally gotten to know each other very well, so sometimes Zhang Zhi's worries were actually seen in his eyes.

He knew that Zhang Zhi was sad that he couldn't help him, and also knew that it was a burden for Zhang Zhi to spit on him all the time, but he didn't know how to tell Zhang Zhi that he was not as useless as he thought.

Zhang Zhi is excellent in many aspects, not losing Alpha at all, there is no doubt about that. It's just that he was originally an elite leader, suitable for living in a stable society. Even in such a chaotic apocalypse, it is difficult to get along like Lao Yuan and others. It does not mean that he is useless and should be abandoned.

Just like the former Mu Zi, a child of a few years old, Lao Yuan was willing to take him in and take him to the south and the north without asking for anything in return. Even today, he still treats Mu Zi as his own younger brother.

Not only useful people can stay in the team, because they are trustworthy friends, they can support them all the way.

From time to time on the roadside, there are army rescue vehicles rushing towards Luocheng and sweeping away the zombies that appeared in the surrounding area, so the road is very safe, and everyone can relax and rest at night.

At night, Qin Chi and Ba Ping switched cars. They were not as good at driving as Wen Jia. They drove very carefully, and they had to be alert to whether there were any zombies around.

Zhang Zhi had slept during the day, and after everyone else had fallen asleep, he took out his computer and pen and paper to check online what supplies he needed to collect the most, as well as the current situation in Letan City.

The closer the distance to Letan City, the better the network signal. Zhang Zhi browsed the military website to find suitable weapons.

He actually didn't know much about the design of weapons, but Lao Yuan and the others didn't care about it, and after entering Letan City, they shouldn't expose the fact that they had guns, lest they be targeted by more vigilant people like Zhao Fengnian.

Fortunately, Zhao Fengnian didn't investigate deeply at that time, otherwise they would probably get burned.

And the bullets will run out sooner or later, so try to use them when you can.

Zhang Zhi has also killed zombies at close range, and knows where the weakness of zombies lies. He wants to collect some cold weapons that are easy to kill zombies. They are more suitable for killing zombies than baseball bats and machetes, and they must be used continuously.

The weakness of zombies lies in their heads. Although I don't know why, as long as the head is destroyed, the zombies will lose their mobility, so they are not harmful to humans.

Human skulls are very hard, and the same is true after being corpse. The machete is easy to roll the blade several times, and the ordinary hammer head is relatively heavy. Even an adult will be exhausted after a few more times.

After checking for a long time, Zhang Zhi took a fancy to the Viking axe and the Indian tomahawk.

Viking axe is sharper than ordinary fire axe, and it is much lighter in weight. It can be used for killing zombies or other purposes. It can be used as a weapon for killing zombies or as a daily tool.

The Indian Axe is a light short-handled throwing axe. It is light in weight and has strong shock resistance. It is more suitable for him who is not very good at fighting, and Muzi, who is relatively weak because of his youth.

In addition to the axe, Zhang Zhi also discovered that there is a single-fingered claw blade, like the armor worn by concubines in Qing palace dramas, but it can be bent freely.

Suppose the axe smashed into the zombie's head but was stuck and could not be taken out. The single-fingered claw blade can attack the vulnerable parts of the zombie's eye sockets, lower jaw and popliteal fossa, and buy time.

This kind of claw blade is still used for emergency self-defense. In case of a sneak attack, and there are no other weapons around, it can always come in handy.

In addition, there are three-edged army thorns, compound bows, mace and so on. The heavy blunt weapons were prepared for Lao Yuan Qinchi's several Alphas. They were strong and able to keep up. Zhang Zhi himself would choose lighter weapons.

After making a list of the required weapons, Zhang Zhi listed the other materials one by one, trying not to let them go when collecting them.

It was only two or three hours' drive from Letan City, and there were no obstacles on the way. Qin Chi quickly drove the RV to his destination.

Like all other cities, Letan City has been locked down. I heard that the entire city will be tested for zombie virus. People from other cities who want to enter the city also need to undergo strict inspections. Before there is an effective vaccine, people infected with the virus will be arrested. to be executed.

Of course, their group was not infected, and it was inevitable that they could enter the city smoothly. It's just that such a big RV is too conspicuous, and it is very likely to cause trouble if it is driven in the urban area.

Qin Chi came to the carriage, took Zhang Zhi's storage box, and woke up Lao Yuan to see if he could sort out the materials in the space, free up space to put away the RV, and switch to a less eye-catching off-road vehicle. .

From the appearance of the zombies to the present, except for the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, the rest of the items have not been moved much, so the two spaces are full.

A few people filled up all the gasoline they had prepared for the RV and off-road vehicle, loaded some of the supplies into the RV, and lost two freezers and a generator, finally freeing up some space that was only enough for the RV.

The next time you want to use the RV, you have to take out the materials in the RV and put them back into the space, which is very troublesome.

Qin Chi couldn't wait to go to Zhang Zhi's house to see if he could find something of the same material as the storage box and try to make the space bigger.

However, he also knew that the possibility was very slim.

Except for Zhang Zhi, everyone else was woken up when they were in a sleep state, and they all yawned.

The entrance to Letan City does not open until 8:00 in the morning. Like a considerable number of survivors, they can only wait outside the city for dawn before they can be tested.

Lao Yuan took out two tents, set them up and then went to sleep, while Zhang Zhi made the bed in the off-road vehicle and let Mu Zi climb onto the bed to sleep.

The weather was hot and there were many corpses. Even in the middle of the night, flies and mosquitoes were buzzing around. Even the most rough-skinned Lao Yuan was covered in stings, and when he woke up in the morning, he was very angry.

"Damn, when I enter Letan City, I will empty all the toilet water!" Lao Yuan shouted like a ruffian while scratching his itch.

Qin Chi was amused, because there were electric mosquito liquid and mosquito net in the RV, they did forget to prepare toilet water. But think about the time to spend the night outside the car in the future, it is necessary to prepare more mosquito repellent items.

On the other hand, Ba Ping has used the rice cooker and induction cooker on the off-road vehicle to make a simple breakfast. After everyone gets up and eats it, they will go to Letan City together.

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