Chapter 139 The truth

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While eating, Zhao Fengnian looked a little heavy. Wen Jia knew that he was worried about his son, and while serving him vegetables, he said, "If you really can't survive, they will come to you."

Wen Jia's attitude was very good last time. Resolutely, Zhao Fengnian's ex-wife had to take Zhao Luo away, and these Tiantianjia also secretly inquired that Zhao Luo had gone to work in the logistics department.

Mu Zi is also underage, so why not go out with them to fight zombies?

Zhao Fengnian was rarely so melancholy, "Are you saying that I'm useless, even his own son doesn't recognize me, and now he doesn't know how much he hates me."

"Don't think so, when he grows up and matures, he will always I understand your painstaking efforts." Wen Jia saw that he was troubled, and he felt uncomfortable.

Mu Zi also said, "That's right, Lao Zhao, your son is really spoiled by your ex-wife. I think that when Lao Yuan picked me up, he did a lot of tossing me."

Lao Yuan rubbed his head with a smile, "You Do you blame Dad?"

Mu Zi thought about it carefully, "It must have been strange at the time, but I soon understood that you were doing it for my own good, and now I am even more grateful." What

they did was inherently dangerous. If you provide food and drink, you will definitely not be able to save yourself when danger comes, and there is no doubt that you will die faster.

Although Lao Yuan's method is a bit rough, it is the most direct and effective method.

Seeing that their father and son were happy and had a deep relationship, Zhao Fengnian felt even more uncomfortable.

Why can't he get along so well with his son?

Seeing Zhao Fengnian's sad expression, Xie Yuze changed the subject, "At this time, if there is no apocalypse, what time would it be?"

"I don't know, who of you has a calendar?" Lao Yuan asked immediately.

Mu Zi thought for a while, "It's already the second year anyway, and the Spring Festival is definitely over long ago."

They spent a lot of time in Luocheng, lived in the Hanhai Base, and wandered a lot after that. Come here, at least it's been more than a year.

A year is not long or short, but in the future, they will definitely stay together happily, go out together to collect supplies, take care of each other in peacetime, and live peacefully in this sunset base.

Humans are never creatures that can fight alone. Only by uniting and persevering can we overcome all unknown dangers.

A group of people ate hot pot and talked about some happy things. Zhao Fengnian was also infected by this happy atmosphere, temporarily forgetting about his son, listening to Muzi telling jokes there, making everyone laugh out loud.

The steaming hot pot was paired with Lao Baigan that Lao Yuan had collected before, which was very suitable for the occasion. Mu Zi also poured out the long-cherished wine for Xie Yuze and Qiao An. He himself is a minor and can't drink alcohol, only energy drinks or milk.

The snow outside was getting bigger and bigger, and soon there was a lot of snow piled up at the door, and the road could not be seen clearly.

Such a gloomy snowy day always makes people drowsy. After eating and drinking, most of the people curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. Zhang Zhi finally woke up after a long sleep and sat on the sofa in a daze.

"What's the matter, Brother Zhi, are you sleepy?" Qin Chi sat beside him and put him in his arms.

Zhang Zhi rubbed his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I had a dream."

"What did you dream about?" Qin Chi pressed his forehead and asked softly.

"It's still the same weather, it's cold and dark, I'm huddled in the snow with you, Lao Yuan and the others aren't there, and there's no Xiao Qiao and Xiao Xie," Zhang Zhi choked up a little, "your leg is still broken. , I took out the rags from the trash can and wrapped you up, but you are still so cold, your hands and feet are cold..."

"Brother Zhi." Qin Chi interrupted him hastily, "It was just a dream."

Zhang Zhi was stunned, Look around again.

Wen Jia and Zhao Fengnian were coaxing the child in the cradle, and the two were chatting and laughing. Xie Yuze took a nap on the sofa on the other side, wearing the steam eye mask collected by Lao Yuan. Lao Yuan sat on the ground watching the movie starring him, leaning against the corner of the sofa, guarding his side like a knight.

Qiao An and Mu Zi both fell asleep, Ba Ping was busy all morning, and he was already snoring. Even Xie Yumao sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a game console in his hand, snoring with his head tilted.

Everyone is still there, and his dreams are always just dreams.

But that dream was too real, so lonely and cold, I didn't know if I would die in the next second.

Only he and Qin Chi cuddled each other to keep warm. They were so cold that they didn't feel any sense. They were hungry and sleepy, and they didn't dare to sleep in the ice and snow.

Zhang Zhi was so frightened that his fingers were shaking slightly.

"Brother Zhi, it's really just a dream, don't be afraid." Qin Chi's voice was also trembling, he hugged Zhang Zhi tightly in his arms, comforting him gently and firmly, "Look, everyone is really still there, A dream like that will never happen."

"Really?" Zhang Zhi asked uncertainly.

"Of course." Qin Chi let go of him a little and looked directly at him, "We have space, enough materials and weapons, as well as food and medicine. Scientists have already developed a vaccine, which is being tested. In a very safe and large base, with Lu Xingzhou as a backer, I will never fall into the fate of your dream, are you right?" The

content of the dream is slowly fading, and Zhang Zhi is finally afraid that he has not just woken up. With Qin Chi's encouragement, he finally nodded and admitted this.

With abundant supplies and reliable companions, it will never be like the dream.

Then Zhang Zhi went to wash his face, and Qin Chi stood in the bathroom and went out.

When he was just reborn, he actually dreamed of the scene at that time all night long. It's just that it's been so long, Zhang Zhi is by his side, Lao Yuan and the others are all there, and he has also joined a reliable new companion, making him forget about the past.

Zhang Zhi suddenly mentioned this, and his heart ached badly.

Fortunately, everyone is still there, and he has matured a lot. Things like the previous life will never happen.

When Zhang Zhi got out of the bathroom, Qin Chi took his hand downstairs and was reluctant to let go for a while.

Wen Jia and Zhao Fengnian put on their coats and umbrellas, and were about to go out.

"It's still snowing outside, where are you going?" Qin Chi asked.

Zhao Fengnian turned his head, "I'm still worried. If I want to see my son, I just look outside and don't go in."

Zhao Fengnian's son lives in Outer Domain, which is still a long distance from the villa area. Don't worry, it will definitely follow.

Zhang Zhi walked over, "I'll go too."

Wen Jia frowned, "You stay at home." A pregnant woman, what is running around on a snowy day?

Qin Chi also held Zhang Zhi, "Brother Zhi, it's hard to walk in the snow, you stay at home, Lao Zhao and the others can solve it." Even if Zhao Fengnian's brain is hot, Wen Jia is still there, so they don't need to worry.

Zhang Zhi smiled, "I stayed at home for a few days and wanted to go out to get some air." Maybe it was because he was bored that he had such a strange dream.

Seeing that he insisted, Qin Chi had no choice but to find a pair of non-slip shoes, and let him wear thick clothes and an umbrella, so that no one could catch a cold.

After everything was ready, the four closed the door and went to Zhao Luo's house together.

"That child doesn't know if he is growing up or not, he must have lost weight." On the way, Zhao Feng said half of guilt and half of self-blame.

Wen Jia patted him on the shoulder, "This is growth."

Qin Chi hugged Zhang Zhi and walked slowly, while saying, "That's right, Zhao Luo is a half-year-old boy, you must understand that there is nothing in this world for nothing. For lunch, let him work more, and he will know how difficult it is to earn crystal cores."

They also heard Xie Yuzheng say that Zhao Luo exchanged a good quality crystal core with someone for a bag of instant noodles to satisfy his craving. It is said that I ate too much delicious food and wanted to change the taste. If Xie Yuze hadn't stopped him at that time, Xie Yuzhe would have gone up to beat people.

The crystal nucleus can be exchanged for at least dozens of kilograms of rice when it is obtained in the official trading market of the base, which is enough for one person to eat for a long time, but Zhao Luo did not know how difficult it is to obtain the crystal nucleus, so he only changed it. With a bag of instant noodles, the person he exchanges with will probably wake up laughing from a dream.

Zhao Fengnian gave Zhao Luo a lot of crystal nuclei. In places they didn't see, they really didn't know how many crystal nuclei Zhao Luo had wasted and exchanged for things they didn't need.

Zhao Fengnian also heard about this incident, so he was determined to exercise Zhao Luo's determination. Hopefully, after all this time, his son has reformed and is no longer as profligate as he used to be.

The sky was very dark, there was snow on the road, and with the pregnant woman Zhang Zhi, the four of them walked very slowly, and it was a long time before they reached Wang Yang's house.

Wang Yang used to be an important member of a certain city, and when he arrived at the Xizhao base, he also had some connections. He got a good position and was able to be allocated a separate house.

This house is a very ordinary bungalow, probably used by prison guards before, with only two bedrooms. It is crowded for a family of five, but it is much more comfortable than most other people.

Looking at the dilapidated bungalow, several people finally understood why Wang Yang could so shamelessly ask Zhao Fengnian to build a villa for them too.

The front of the bungalow is full of thick snow, and it is estimated that even the door cannot be opened. The four went to the window under the eaves, intending to call someone from the window.

Although the window was tightly closed, a piece of glass was broken and it was easy to see inside.

Zhao Fengnian was a little nervous. Looking at the swaying figure through the glass window, he didn't dare to say a word a few times, "Tell me, does my son hate me so much now? Should I come back another day?"

Qin Chi is helping Zhang Zhifu Going to the snowflakes on the clothes, listening to Zhao Fengnian being so nervous, he also smiled and said, "Old Zhao, you are Laozi, he is a son, can you show some courage as Laozi? Even if Zhao Luo really doesn't recognize you, In the future, there will be Muzi to give you old age. After my brother Zhi and I are born, we also want to teach him to love his elders, so what are you worried about?"

Zhao Fengnian was even more depressed, "I didn't come to see him because of his old age. My son's."

Wen Jia stepped forward, "I'll knock on the window, think about it first, what they will say and do when you meet."

Zhao Fengnian squatted on the ground, frowning.

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