Chapter 82 Decided to leave the city

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Zhao Fengnian was far away at the time, only to see several red zombies appearing in the sea of ​​fire all over the city. This kind of zombie is different from ordinary zombies. It seems that it has been stripped off and has no skin, so only muscles and broken blood vessels are exposed, and it looks like it has been splashed with red paint.

The blood-red zombies are very agile, faster than sportsmen. Even the special forces with high training intensity and excellent physical fitness cannot escape from their hands. Almost in the blink of an eye, their heads are chopped off by them.

What is even more terrifying is that this kind of zombie is completely anti-scientific. Although the reason why zombies can walk on rotting limbs is still a mystery, the blood-red zombies are even more terrifying.

The blood-colored zombies are not only amazingly fast, but also extremely powerful. They can lift a car with one hand and easily throw it away. At that time, two of Zhao Fengnian's team members were hit by the carts thrown by the blood-colored zombies, turning into a puddle of flesh. Zhao Fengnian was also hit in the head by the splashing iron, and nearly died.

Because the speed of the blood-colored zombies is too fast, and the fire cannot be accurately distinguished and located, in the case of a serious lack of intelligence, the support troops have suffered countless casualties. The number of people who were rescued and evacuated, including Zhao Fengnian, was less than 1 in 10,000.

That kind of blood-colored thing is not so much an ordinary zombie, but more like a superman or a monster. It is not something that humans can understand at all, and maybe even modern military technology cannot match it.

After listening to Zhang Zhi's retelling, the rest of the people also felt that the matter was too bizarre. Lao Yuan was pacing in the living room, silently saying, "Blood, bloody..."

Mu Zi continued, "Brother Zhi and I may have seen that kind of thing in a photo before, if you guessed correctly, then It is very likely that all kinds of blood-colored zombies have also come to Letan City. The existing troops in Letan City are not as good as Luocheng at that time, so if we have nothing else, we must hurry up and run away."

Qin Chi took a deep breath . , "It's not possible, it's already here."

The information brought by Zhao Fengnian coincided with what Brother Hu's subordinate said. So it is certain that the blood-colored zombies have really arrived in Letan City, and it is not too far from Qingxing District.

"It's not too late, let's just..." Lao Yuan looked at the weather outside and changed his words, "No, I will leave on time at six tomorrow morning. I'll pack up tonight, and I can't stay in Letan City any longer."

It was too dark at night. Power outages everywhere and no moonlight, driving on a dark road is more likely to cause trouble. If your vision is blocked, you will be surrounded by zombies.

Several people responded one after another and packed their things.

Earlier, Wen Jia felt that the situation was not right. His intuition was accurate. If he thought it would be unsafe to stay any longer, it might really be unsafe. After that, Uncle Deng got the news out of nowhere and warned them to leave quickly and integrate Zhao Fengnian's intelligence. They also wanted to leave quickly.

When Zhang Zhi and Qin Chi went upstairs to recycle the solar panels, they saw Brother Hu dragging a truck of supplies outside the iron house with a few people. A few men in black went up to unload the goods, and then Uncle Deng's apprentice handed over several large wooden boxes to the house. Brother Hu, it looks like it should be a firearm.

No matter how capable Brother Hu is, he can't find a way to buy a large number of firearms in a short period of time. He can only exchange the collected materials with Uncle Deng for life-saving firearms.

Shortly after Brother Hu towed the gun, Uncle Deng and his group were also driving a large truck to leave Letan City. The young man also specially called someone to remind Qin Chi and them to leave as soon as possible and not stay.

Qin Chi wanted to leave early. After all, when he left Luocheng, if he could leave a day or two earlier, he wouldn't have to stay for so long and suffer a lot. But after all, they are not like Uncle Deng. All of them are ruthless characters, and they have a lot of weapons nearby, so they can't travel in the middle of the night.

Wen Jia was driven to sleep by Lao Yuan early. As the most skilled old driver in the team, fatigue driving is not acceptable.

The others were still packing their things. Qin Chi and Zhang Zhi removed the battery panels, leaving only one generator to supply power outside, and the rest were taken back into space. In addition, the TV that Lao Yuan likes has to be taken away, and some of the furniture that is still very new in this house can only be ruined. It is better for them to take it all.

Nowadays, the space is very large and can accommodate a lot of things. Zhang Zhi has put the leather sofa and luxury bed into the space. In the future, if he has the opportunity to get a container, put the furniture in, and a comfortable room is completed.

And this is the place where Zhang Zhi grew up, and there are many good memories. Qin Chi helped him to keep all the vase and wardrobe clean, and not a single bit fell.

In the kitchen, Ba Ping is of course eager to clean up the kitchen utensils, from the barbecue grill to the pots and pans, and the imported refrigerator has become his new favorite in the kitchen.

When everyone finished cleaning up, Grandpa Zhang's house was as clean as the robbers ransacked, only the floor tiles remained.

Rao, the thickest-skinned Ba Ping, felt a little embarrassed, and said embarrassedly, "This, Xiaochi's wife, you see we took the things away, and we didn't tell you, if you feel inconvenience , I'll put it back?"

"It's fine, I'll leave it alone, maybe it will be destroyed by zombies or intruders, but it will be more useful if we take it away."

Zhang Zhi also took a lot of things himself . The reason Lao Yuan and the others took. What's more, they took it for their own use, and they didn't deliberately spoil it. Presumably grandpa would agree.

After all this work, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.

Before Qin Chi went to deliver medicine to Uncle Deng, he was sweating all over, and he was still very uncomfortable after drying it in the air-conditioned room.

"Brother Zhi, Lao Yuan, I'll go take a shower first. Let's see if there's anything else left unpacked. Take everything you can take away this time. It's very likely that you won't come back in the future."

Zhang Zhi nodded, "Go ahead, Lao Yuan and I are here." Then he said to Mu Zi, "Go to bed quickly, if you don't get enough sleep, you won't grow taller."

"Well, my stuff is anyway . When you're done cleaning up, just call me if you have anything to do." Mu Zi also yawned and went upstairs.

In the living room, Lao Yuan and Zhang Zhi were left to count the supplies, and Ba Ping wandered around the kitchen, wishing to pry away even the smooth and flat tiles.

Zhang Zhi glanced at the 3D projector in the space and said, "We don't have any materials in short supply now. If we have to say it, it's seeds and water."

"I still have a lot of seeds in the space. If I go to the base in the future, I can get a piece of it. It would be good to grow some vegetables." Lao Yuan imagined a happy life in the future, and chuckled to himself that the older he got, the more he longed for a peaceful and plain life.

If there is a beautiful daughter-in-law and a big fat boy, then life will be more comfortable.

"Then the water source is left." Zhang Zhi pointed to the corner of the space, "This is the water purifier you brought back today. I don't know if it can eliminate the virus in the water source."

Although the weather is hot and dry, it is not yet dry. At this point, you can find rivers everywhere, and then purify them with water purifiers, you can use them with peace of mind.

I am afraid that the water source is too polluted, and even the water purifier cannot remove the bacteria and impurities that are harmful to the human body. After drinking it, it is not good for the health.

Ba Ping came out of the kitchen, just in time to hear the conversation between the two, and said nonchalantly, "What is there to worry about, as long as you boil the water and drink it, all germs will be killed, and you should not drink cold water. Are you used to it?"

"That's what I said, but Xiao Zhang's worries are not unreasonable. Who knows if there will be zombie corpses in the water source? It is better to be careful what you drink in your stomach." Lao Yuan thought for a while. , and said, "Anyway, we have enough space now. If we encounter bottled tap water in the future, we should get more. It's better than drinking wild river water."

"Okay, listen to you, you call the shots." Ba Ping said happily.

The few people just finished discussing when they saw Qin Chi coming downstairs depressedly, "The water has stopped."

Lao Yuan glanced at the time, "Isn't it already twelve o'clock in the morning?"

"That's why I doubt, Le Has something really happened to Tanshi?" Qin Chi was very worried.

Water is very important to human beings. In the event of a catastrophe such as the end of the world, at least Luocheng will send troops to ensure the normal operation of the major water plants. The same is probably true in Letan City.

But now, there seems to be a gap in the water plant, which cannot supply water in time. Qin Chi would inevitably wonder if all the troops stationed at the waterworks had already...

It shouldn't be that serious, Qin Chi didn't dare to think deeply.

Failing to take a shower, Qin Chi could only go to sleep with Zhang Zhi.

Setting the alarm clock at 5:30, Qin Chi got into the air-conditioning quilt and squeezed with Zhang Zhi.

"Brother Zhi, aren't you unhappy?" From the moment he planned to leave, Zhang Zhi had no energy, and when he was packing up, he could see that he was a little sad, and Qin Chi was also a little worried about this.

Zhang Zhi put the glasses by the pillow a little further away to avoid accidentally pressing them.

"I'm a little reluctant to leave. After all, it's my childhood home, and now that I'm gone, I always feel like I've left my grandfather behind." Zhang Zhi also knew that his mentality was very naive, but he couldn't restrain himself from thinking so.

After living for such a long time, Qin Chi didn't want to leave. He hugged his lover and said jokingly, "If only this house could be moved, let's put the house in the space. Brother Zhi, come and live when you miss home. How good?"

Zhang Zhi was amused by him and laughed, "It's a good idea."

Qin Chi looked at his smiling lover, took a few deep breaths before suppressing the evil fire in his heart, and kissed Zhang Zhi's cheek, "Go to sleep, brother, I will get up in a few hours."

Then, continue Embark on an escape.

He didn't sleep soundly at night. At four o'clock in the morning, Qin Chi woke up from his dream. He tilted his head to look at Zhang Zhi, who was also not asleep and frowned, covered the quilt, got up and put on clothes, and then took out the computer.

Unsurprisingly, the network was completely cut off.

The current Letan City is probably just like the Luo City at that time. Starting from the abnormal weather, natural and man-made disasters will come together, and thus fall into a state of paralysis.

Qin Chi put down the computer and turned on the faucet again, but there was still no water.

Power outages, water outages, and internet outages are even worse than in Luocheng at the beginning.

He couldn't sleep, Lao Yuan and Ba Ping also got up early downstairs, drove the off-road vehicle into the yard, and flattened the rear seats into the form of a bed, which could accommodate everyone in a squeeze.

The RV is too conspicuous, the speed is not as fast as the off-road vehicle, and the volume is too large and inflexible. It is convenient to take the off-road vehicle to go out of the city.

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