Chapter 102 New residents

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Mu Zi kept pressing him onto the bed, "Zhao Fengnian, you are courting death, don't move around if you are still injured!"

Zhang Zhi also went over to help hold Zhao Fengnian down, and said sternly, "Be awake, don't move, be careful. The injury is getting worse."

Zhao Fengnian was obviously not fully awake, his eyes were closed, and he kept muttering in his mouth, "My son is crying, my son is calling me to save him..."

Zhao Fengnian gritted his teeth, his face looked like Very painful.

"Old Zhao, wake up!" Zhang Zhi gently shook Zhao Fengnian's shoulder, seeing that he was in a nightmare and couldn't get out, so he had to ask Muzi to get him an injection of tranquilizer and let him lie down quietly.

The wound could not have been sutured carefully by the hospital, and if he moved like this again, the wound would burst, and that would be his suffering.

After finally pressing Zhao Fengnian back, Zhang Zhi took out the medicine box and treated the wound for him.

Mu Zian stayed quietly at the foot of the bed, bowing his head to help Zhang Zhi busy.

"He really loves his son." Mu Zi whispered.

"Yeah, there are no parents in the world who don't love their children." After thinking about it, Zhang Zhi still felt that he was too absolute, and said, "Of course, most of them." The

kind of love that only cares about himself and is unwilling to share even the slightest bit of love. There are also many parents who give their children.

Mu Zi looked out the window, "My parents definitely don't love me."

Otherwise, they wouldn't have thrown him away.

Zhang Zhiteng rubbed his head with his hands, "You have Lao Yuan's love and we love, is that enough?"

Mu Zi lowered his head in frustration, "But I still think that my parents don't want me because I'm not good enough. "

"You are very good, upright, kind, clever, and clever. Although there are inevitably small shortcomings, this will not constitute a reason to be discarded." Zhang Zhi covered the back of Muzi's head and pressed his forehead, "Muzi is a Very good child, if my child can be like you in the future, I will be proud of him."

"Really?" Mu Zi blushed slightly.

"Of course it's true."

They are all very ordinary people, living very ordinary lives, so in this life they don't expect to be very promising, as long as they can be strong and kind people.

Qin Chi and several people came back one after another in the evening, and brought a lot of agricultural products.

Ba Ping carried a sack of sweet potatoes and potatoes, his face full of joy, "I found a cellar with Lao Yuan, and there are a lot of good things in it, which may be stored by farmers, I think they can't eat them, so I carry them all back. ."

Bags of sweet potatoes and potatoes are all in good condition, and there are also some green cabbage heads, which are stored for a long time, enough for them to eat for a long time.

Qin Chi and Wen Jia went to a farther place and found a few pigs and ten chickens and ducks each in the village. The people in that village should have been evacuated by the state not long ago, and the livestock have been grazing in the wild to find food on their own, and they have survived tenaciously until now.

There will be flood disasters soon, and the food will only be washed away by the flood if they are left in place. They will not be wasted if they take it away.

The poultry was pulled back by an off-road vehicle, and the car smelled like shit and stinks. As soon as the goods were unloaded, Qin Chi drove to the distant river to wash the car, and the rest drove the poultry and livestock to the backyard.

"Old Ba, kill the pig tonight, how about eating pork?" Lao Yuan looked at the fat pigs in the pen, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"Of course, kill another duck to make soup, and I'll go find a knife immediately." Ba Ping said and went into action.

Counting it, a few people may have not eaten fresh pork for a long time, either the frozen meat in the freezer or the cured bacon. The lack of oil and meat can make people panic.

As soon as it was said that they wanted to eat a big meal, everyone came to help them. No one was idle when it came to killing ducks and pigs, washing vegetables and cooking rice.

There was a jar of sauerkraut in the corner, Ba Ping opened it, smelled it, and said, "It smells good."

"These cabbage heads and soaked radishes are just right for making old duck soup. Tonight, brother, I will show you a hand. Don't eat snacks. Keep your stomach and eat more meat."

Mu Zi, who was stealing food, heard it, quietly Throw away the ham.

Lao Yuan and Zhang Zhi were slaughtering pigs in the backyard. The two of them changed into dirty clothes and quickly brought in the pork and duck, letting Ba Ping play freely.

Qiao An was helping Ba Ping cut pickled cabbage, Wen Jia was taking care of Zhao Fengnian upstairs, and a group of people worked together.

What pig trotter soup, old duck soup, braised pork, stewed duck with potatoes, and stewed pork trotters with potatoes, etc., a large table of delicious dishes.

When Qin Chi was washing the car, he caught two more fish from the river and let Ba Ping cook them together to eat them.

After another half hour or so, a group of people gathered around the table, gulping down their saliva in front of a large table of sumptuous meals.

"Lao Zhao doesn't have that good fortune to eat meat. Just leave some soup for him. Let's be polite and eat it quickly." Ba Ping likes to eat it the most. , eyes narrowed with satisfaction.

Others moved their chopsticks one after another. Qin Chi scooped a bowl of old duck soup for Zhang Zhi, and picked out a piece of pig's trotter for him, so that he would have to eat it if he didn't like fatty meat, otherwise his body couldn't stand it.

Lao Yuan took care of Mu Zi and kept throwing fat into the bowls of people. Mu Zi got tired of eating a few pieces, and threw them all to Ba Ping.

He and He Meimei had a meal, Qin Chi took out a few cans of beer, Mu Zi and Qiao An had soy milk, and they ate and drank while chatting.

Running away all the way, I haven't eaten and drank so comfortably for a long time.

Zhang Zhi finished the meal first, and then went upstairs to exchange for Wen Jia.

In the room, Zhao Fengnian hadn't woken up yet, but his injuries were much better. Occasionally, he would half-open his eyes in a daze and say a few words in his sleep, all about his son.

In Ba Ping's words, a soldier's physical fitness is good, and he can't die.

Zhang Zhi was sitting by the bed reading a book, listening to the sound of pattering outside the window, and looking again, it was raining.

If it wasn't for the apocalypse and the dramatic changes in the weather, this time period would be almost winter. In the season that usually freezes people to death, now wearing thin shirts and jackets does not feel cold.

Zhang Zhi lost his mind to read and stood by the window admiring the rain.

The night was dizzy, and I couldn't see the scenery clearly, but listening to the sound of the rain could calm down and leave all troubles behind.

Qin Chi pushed open the door and came in. Seeing Zhang Zhi staring at the night sky in a daze, he walked over and hugged him.

"Brother Zhi, what are you thinking about?" Zhang Zhi held Qin Chi's hand, "I 'm

just thinking about what to do in the future."

Feeling hopeless, there seems to be a spider web ahead, giving people nowhere to escape.

Does this world really have a place for them?

Qin Chi tightened his arms and pressed Zhang Zhi into his arms.

"Don't think so much, as long as we stay together forever?" No matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as the friends are still there, they can support them to go on.

Zhang Zhi smiled in a low voice, and felt that as long as Qin Chi was around, he would have the courage to live.

The two whispered sweetly, and Zhao Fengnian's faint dissatisfaction came from the bed behind them.

"You two, cough, pay attention to the injuries..." The

two of them turned their heads together and saw Zhao Fengnian staring at them weakly with his eyes open.

"Lao Zhao, are you okay? Is there any discomfort?" Qin Chi immediately walked over.

Zhang Zhi also stood beside the bed and touched Zhao Fengnian's forehead, "Fortunately, I don't have a fever."

Zhao Fengnian's fever persisted before, which scared them.

Zhao Fengnian was still a little out of strength, except for his eyes and lips, he couldn't move anywhere.

"How long have I slept?" Zhao Fengnian asked in a hoarse voice.

"It won't be long before I wake up." Qin Chi felt relieved when he saw that he was still sane, and sat on the bedside again and said, "Brother Wen and Mu Zi are worried, they will always watch over you, if you can't wake up. Come on, our group will have uneasy consciences in this life."

Zhao Fengnian grinned and said with difficulty, "I was rescued by my comrades in arms, so saving people is an instinct, and besides, this life is used to protect the people. For the masses, even if it is really lost, it is considered to be sacrificed for the country."

"What is the sacrifice, not looking for an ex-wife and son?" Qin Chi cheered him up, "Your son must be alive and well, waiting for you to be a father. Help, don't think too much about it, it's the last word to live a serious life."

Zhao Fengnian giggled twice and stopped talking.

Zhang Zhi went downstairs to inform the others that Zhao Fengnian had woken up, and everyone's heart finally fell back into his stomach.

Wen Jia and Mu Zi went upstairs to visit, while the others had to stagger the time and did not follow.

Ba Ping filled a bowl of old duck soup and asked Zhang Zhi to send it to him. Zhao Fengnian's physical fitness was good, and drinking a bowl of soup was just enough to replenish his stamina.

In the room, Mu Zi babbled in Zhao Fengnian's ear and made a big call, probably to thank him for saving his life, while Wen Jia helped him up and sat down, feeding the soup spoon by spoon.

"Tsk tsk, this treatment is really worth it." Zhao Fengnian still behaved well when he got a bargain, but Wen Jia rarely gave him a blank eye.

After drinking the soup and resting for a while, Zhao Fengnian asked about other matters. With Wen Jia and Mu Zi present, Zhang Zhi and Qin Chi went downstairs without disturbing them.

Downstairs, Lao Yuan was playing with the radio, walking around the room looking for the signal, complaining, "I just heard that bases are being built all over the world now, and the names and locations of many bases have been reported, but I haven't finished listening yet. The signal is cut off again."

Ba Ping gnawed on the stewed pig's trotters and took the time to say, "The state is in emergency rescue, saying that the troops will arrange the transfer of the people according to the region, and it is best for the survivors who are displaced to evacuate with the large troops and go to the existing ones. Go to the base."

They have a lot of supplies, so in order not to expose the existence of space, they can only fight alone.

Joan added, "Also, the radio said that there may be a heavy rainstorm recently, so the survivors who haven't found the base on the road should not sway outside, try to find a high place to settle down first.

" It looks like it, too, it's already raining outside." Zhang Zhi's voice just fell, when he heard the sound of horns from outside the yard, followed by a few car lights coming in from the window, dazzling people's eyes.

Qin Chi got up, "I'll go out and have a look."

Outside the hospital, there was a thin drizzle of rain, and two cars and a large truck were parked on the road. The truck driver saw Qin Chi going out and shouted at him, "Dude, are there any zombies around here?"

The little wolf dog's old attack has arrivedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora