Entry 117

80 3 6

February 27, 2021
6:40 A.M.

Hey... I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry about that. It's just that I hadn't had too much to say lately. I've been feeling really depressed the past couple days, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. Basically what I wanted to say is that if I go awhile without posting here, that doesn't mean I'm dead or anything. I'm just not posting. I just want to get that out of the way because I don't want y'all to worry about me or anything. I'm fine, alive. You guys probably actually don't care, but whatever. I guess I just wanted to say that. Also another reason I've been less active lately is if you remember that time that I was "exposed", that is still sitting with me. Ever since, I've been really careful of what I've been saying on here because I don't want my words twisted or misinterpreted again. I don't know, it's just been making me really anxious...I think that's part of the reason I haven't been posting really either. And sure, you can say "Don't let that bother you" but I don't know...I just feel uncomfortable to post now. So yeah, it is nice to see all the people who followed me and supported me the past 3 years I've been posting here. I've even had some of y'all message me directly to give me support and that's just so sweet...you guys are too nice. I don't deserve it...anyway, I'm not saying I'm done posting here for good. If something comes too much and I'm tired of holding it all in, I might post on here again but for now...I think I'm done. I guess you can say I'm taking a break or a hiatus. Again, not saying I'm never ever going to post on here again, but I know I'm not going to post for awhile. It's just been too hard for me. Anyway, thank you for reading and giving me so much support. I honestly don't deserve you guys. I love y'all so much and I mean that. But, at least for now, goodbye. Nice knowing y'all.

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