Entry 21

151 8 2

May 4, 2019
9:41 P.M.

Welcome to another entry of livid Zoë because I'm always angry since my life fucking sucks.

So first of all, guess who I'm still seeing in my new house on a regular basis? Fucking Sonny. He's constantly hanging around like nothing has ever happened and he can go fuck himself. I can't stand his presence. This is all because of my mom's dumb friend, Michelle, who is living with us. I never wanted to live with her because I don't trust her. Also, she's just really annoying and she stinks. But no. She's still friends with Sonny, despite knowing everything he did to us. And you know what? I can get over that. She can be friends with whoever she wants. But no. She keeps inviting him to the house, even though she knows damn well his mere presence makes my blood boil. I just find it disrespectful. I feel if she wants to hang with Sonny, then she can go to his place because I don't wanna see him around. And she knows that.

Secondly, guess who saw Avengers: Endgame? Not me, because my mom and I were supposed to see it together yesterday but she got called into work. Well, I just heard her basically spoiling the whole end to Michelle and I'm just like "really?" This means she went and saw the movie on her own without me. We were supposed to see it together, but I guess not. I don't care about being spoiled, all my friends already spoiled it for me, but it's the fact that I wanted to see it with her together and she can't even do that. Whatever. I knew I never meant anything to her.

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