Entry 108

43 3 9

November 30, 2020
7:54 P.M.

Hey guys, so good news: my older brother is out the hospital! He's okay! So what they think was going on with him is that he ate something that had a lot of bacteria which caused an infection in his intestines so basically, it was just a bad case of food poisoning. He's got medication and stuff for it so I think he's going to be fine. But I'm going to try to keep in contact with him so we don't end up falling out of touch or anything. Obviously, he's going into medical school so he won't be able to answer me immediately because he'll be busy, but I will send him messages every now and then so he knows I'm thinking of him. Glad he's okay.

Also, I think I got myself a job! I'm going to work with my mom. I have huge social anxiety so having someone I know there will help a lot. But I was talking with my mom about working with her and she said she talked to her boss about it, where he said I'm hired as long as I do the online application. And I did so I think I really got myself a job. My mom also talked to her boss about scheduling us together because again, of my social anxiety but so that I have a ride as well. My grandparents sometimes go out of town for awhile so I can't rely on them at all times, you know? I hate relying on people, but I'm going to have to until I get my license and a car. And getting the car is going to be the hard part. But for this job, I need black pants and black shoes and I currently don't have black shoes on me so on Wednesday, my mom said she'll take me out to find some black shoes. I'm really hoping my mom won't screw me over, but if she isn't, this is good! I'm taking a step into the real world. I don't plan on working at this job forever if I do really get it, but it's a good start. It's better than nothing. So yeah. We don't have to be negative all the time. A little positivity is good every once in awhile.

Lastly, real quick, I want to talk about that guy. Y'all know who I'm talking about. I don't know if he's still writing that "exposed" story on me or not, but I've talked to some of you guys and you said I should just ignore him so that's what I'm going to do. Don't expect me to go talking anymore on his "exposed" story if he's still writing it. I'm not going to mention him again unless he starts directly harassing me again. I also heard from one of y'all that he started harassing people who read my diary to try to get them to side with him which I gotta say, is not cool. I'm not harassing people who are probably siding with him so he shouldn't do the same to me. I'm not sure if it was just this one person or if he really is harassing others but if he starts harassing any of you, I'm so sorry because it's all my fault. I've also had someone said they tried to talk to him about it but just know that's useless. If you're on my side here, don't try to talk any sense into him because he's not going to listen. He's just going to do whatever he wants. Hopefully he'll soon move on but I did want to quickly talk about this. So yeah. Don't pay that guy any attention whatsoever. If you ignore him, he'll go away eventually. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well. I'll update if anything else in my life happens. Adiós.

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