Entry 22

143 6 0

May 5, 2019
7:09 P.M.

So my older brother, Sean came to visit. It's nice to see he didn't forget us. Apparently his semester at college is about over so...but he's going crazy over Avengers: Endgame since he saw it. Good for him. I was supposed to see it with Mommy, but she decided to go see it on her own so whatever. And she's all like "We can still see it together". No. It's not the same. You said you were going to see it with me, but you already saw it so I don't even want to see it. Well, not with my mom, that is. Anyway, so I told Sean about all the bullshit that happened with my dad (you know, where he said we don't love or respect my little brother, Bryan) and Sean is on my side about it so yay. Apparently, back in October, my dad texted Sean and was all like "If you're going to keep ignoring me, then fine. You're an adult", blah, blah, blah. I forgot exactly what he said, but Sean took it as a threat. So overall, my dad is still acting like a complete dickhead. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment either. Oh, and did I explain how my dad said he was paying child support for me but my mom hasn't got shit. And in my parents' divorce papers, he wrote that my mom abandoned Bryan and was trying to get sole custody of Bryan. Last time I checked, Bryan willingly went with my dad to Kansas and my dad is refusing to let her talk to him, so in reality: he abandoned her. She did not abandon Bryan. But I know they aren't doing so well financially (since his new girlfriend) doesn't have a job so I think he's honestly just trying to get my mom to pay child support for Bryan so he can get some money. And if that's the case, that's fucked up he's using Bryan like that. And did I ever explain how Bryan is gradually getting bigger in every picture I see him in? And just know, Bryan was at least 160 pounds when he left (which was in February 2018). Think how much he weighs now. And he is only 12! No 12 year old should be weighing that much. He's going to end up having a heart attack before he's 18. Also, he's not going to public school, which is not a good environment because he's constantly in the house. Like I know I'm constantly in my house, but at least I'm getting social interaction at school. So Sean said he's not going to say anything to his counselor until the 19th because that's when I'll be 18 so nothing bad will happen to me since I'm no longer a minor. But the problem we're facing is if we do get Bryan away from my dad, we don't know if we can get him back to us. We don't want him to end up in foster care or something. This situation is just awful. I really hate my life. I wish my dad would just be reasonable...

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