Entry 121

25 2 0

September 7, 2021
8:29 P.M.

Hey y'all. What's up? Alive? Good. I'm alive too. Guess I'll just update y'all on some things since I've been too lazy too the past couple days, haha. Anyway, remember how my mom was going to be going to New Mexico to live with my aunt? Nope. That's not happening now. Apparently my aunt went back to some type of mental institution. Yeah, my aunt has a lot of problems...apparently, according to my mom, a lot of her side of the family are "crazy" which is why I don't know half of them. I guess that explains why she has so much problems, huh? I don't know... anyway, my mom's still staying in Florida for the time being. That's what I was trying to say.

Also, my boyfriend and I are cool. We on good terms. I explained the misunderstandings so we're okay. Thank God. I would of been really depressed if I lost him. But I have learned that my mom decided to go along with the rumor I was pregnant, despite the fact I told her I'm not so that's not cool. So apparently according to one of the cooks that started the rumors, he said he and the other cook who started it were talking about throwing me a baby shower. My mom overheard them and was like "What? Is she pregnant?" And he basically replied "Why else would he be throwing her a baby shower?" And my mom also said that apparently one of the servers went to her and said "I heard you're going to be a grandma". Anyway, like I've said before, my mom messaged me about the rumors and I just told her I'm not pregnant and I would tell her if I was. Hell, a good friend of mine who works as a server with me, Jamie straight out told me she knew those rumors were false because she knows I would of told her if I was pregnant. Jamie also said when people brought up the rumor I was pregnant, she straight out told them " No the fuck she ain't ". So that's nice. Also, one of the cooks who started the rumors said he was going to bring in baby stuff and balloons and stuff in while my boyfriend was working for my baby shower. And I'm just like " Come on now, you're gonna give him a heart attack" to which he replied that he even said he had a backup cook ready just in case my boyfriend faints. Like bruh. Anyway, I went on a tangent. Back to my mom continuing to spreading bullshit lies. So at one point last week, my boyfriend apparently called out from work. Jamie came in that night to see that my boyfriend wasn't working (he works in the afternoons) and she asked my mom why she was working and not my boyfriend. And my mom told her that it's because he had a "doctor appointment". Yeah, apparently she said that with quotation marks. Of course, Jamie asked what she meant by that and my mom said that I was pregnant so we were seeing our first ultrasound. Which is just bullshit because I'm not pregnant! Like why the hell is my mom contributing in spreading these lies for? Oh, right. For some reason, she thinks it's funny to spread lies about her own daughter. Like geez...my mom also came in Friday night while I was working and I just said "Oh, by the way, I'm NOT pregnant". And my mom told me that apparently one day when my boyfriend came in to him, she just went to him and said "Damn, I didn't know you had it in you", which is referring to him getting me pregnant and I'm just like "Mommy, you really don't need to be starting shit for no reason. Not cool..." But does she care? Of course not. Because it's so "funny" to her. Maybe I should start some rumor about her and see how she likes it. But I'm not that mean. So yeah, what the fuck, Mommy?

So what else is going on at work? Oh yeah, my boyfriend is leaving. Yep. He's no longer going to be working with us. He's going to be a truck driver. I'm not shocked though because I know that's been his dream job forever. He talks about it quite often. So I'm proud of him that he's accomplishing his dreams. Anyway, a running joke we got going on at my job is that I'm going to quit and become a stripper. Just so you know, I'm not being serious. I'm not going to be a stripper. Anyway, but I joke about it all the time. I even came up with my stripper name: Madame Ballcrusher. I'm a dominatrix, hahaha. So I was telling my boyfriend I'm a little depressed he was leaving me to work at this piece of shit job alone and that I won't be seeing him when I come in anymore and he's just like "We're still going to see each other outside of work". And I just told him I'm no longer going to have motivation to come to work if I don't get to see him when coming in anymore. And then I joked, telling him that since I'm allowing him to do his dream job as a truck driver, he's going to allow me to do my dream job as a stripper. Which all he said was "No." And I just continue to joke with him, telling him he should come visit me sometime and I'll give him a lap dance, haha. But in all seriousness, I'm not going to be a stripper, I promise. I do wanna quit though, not gonna lie. But yeah, that's what's happening in my life. Thanks for reading.

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