Entry 39

95 8 1

June 20, 2019
1:53 P.M.

Okay, I only got 3 hours of sleep due to having to go to court with my mom this morning. So good news...my mom's court case was dismissed! She's not going to jail! Woo hoo! She's a free woman! So at least I have one cause of stress lifted off of my chest. Also, I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last entry, but my mom did put down a partial deposit on an apartment so we got a place to live away from the potheads. So thank the Gods for that. Now all I need to worry about is keeping my mom away from toxic relationships. So my mom and I will be moving in July, so I'll tell y'all about that when we get there. So yeah. For once, I'm posting about something positive in here. Well, there's nothing wrong with a little positivity every once in awhile.

My DiaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora