Entry 76

82 4 9

March 20, 2020
2:01 P.M.

Ugh, all schools in Florida are closed until April 15 because of the stupid coronavirus, which includes my school. Fantastic. It's so stupid. The last time I checked, the coronavirus isn't even that bad. I think it's just that it's spreading quickly. I don't know, I just find it dumb to be out of school for this long. As much as I hate school, it was nice to get a small break from my mom and Sonny's bullshit. But now I can't even get that. Why does life have to be so against me? Once again, I just got tossed aside by my mom for Sonny, like usual since she obviously cares about him more than me. The other day, she asked me if I wanted to watch Frozen 2 with her that night and I said sure so I could spend time with her. But that didn't happen. She went out with Sonny to the bar instead. Did I see it coming? Sadly, yes. I knew she wouldn't uphold what she said. She never does. Why is he more important than me? I don't get it. What did I do wrong? I'll just wallow here in misery since that's all I can do. At least I won't get the coronavirus that way. Although I really want to get it so I can just die sometimes.

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