Entry 54

84 6 0

August 14, 2019
1:49 P.M.

God, I just love my fucking life. Not. So first of all, my mom was late from picking me up from school. I don't have a seventh period class so I get out early. But no. She just left me sitting there. I might as well as had a seventh period because that's how long I was freaking there. And just so you know, it was almost 100°F outside. That's fucking hot. Thanks for letting me sit out there in the heat. Not only that, when she did arrive, fucking Sonny had to be with her. Like is she serious? She knows I hate his guts. Why the fuck does she think bringing him along was a good idea? And she's going to try to ask me how school was. Yeah, like you care. Shut up. I even said "Why do you care?" Because she doesn't. Shut the fuck up. So now, I'm even more pissed. But wait, it gets better. Apparently, my granny moved me to my aunt's old room because apparently my cousin Rebecca is moving in. First time I'm hearing of this. The part I'm annoyed about is because of my granny's stupid cats and that the cat food is in my aunt's room, I have to leave the fucking bedroom door open. And just so you know, I HATE THE DOOR BEING OPEN. So yeah, I have no fucking privacy now. This is literally bullshit. Why did she have to move my stuff? Why can't Rebecca go to my aunt's room? Like I was here first. First come, first serves. And I know I should be out in a couple days, but I don't care. I hate this. I'm tired of my shit being moved every fucking time someone comes over. It's bullshit. You just don't move my shit when I'm at school. It's so rude. Whatever. It doesn't matter. It's not like anyone knows what respect is anymore. I'm just the fucking leech sucking blood off of everyone. Why care about me?

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