Entry 93

62 3 4

July 26, 2020
4:34 A.M.

I hate being reminded how useless I am. So as you all know, we got evicted and I'm currently staying over at my grandparents. I'm so lonely without my dog...and it doesn't help I have her stuck with Sonny, who I definitely do not trust. If I at least had my dog, things would be so much better. So my older brother returns once again. He just took this huge test and now he's going to medical school. He's going to be a doctor. I don't think I ever explained that. So yeah. He's going to places and I'm just the shit end of the stick. I wish I was more like him and can get my life straight. It doesn't help that every time he sees me, he just belittles me for not having a driver's license or a job, etc. He and his friends were literally making fun of me earlier tonight. It's not like I have feelings or anything. Nope, I'm just a heartless monster. That's what everyone believes for some reason. I wish he would be trying to help me set my future instead of just telling me I'm an "oxygen sucker". He's not wrong, though. I am just a waste of space. At least I got my highschool diploma earlier this week...

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