Entry 96

124 7 10

September 11, 2020
2:16 P.M.

Yo, yo, yo. Yes, I'm still alive. And I'm still at my grandparents at the moment. I just didn't really had anything to talk about. But I guess I can talk about my annoyance with my mom. So apparently, I don't know if I explained this, my mom has a bartender friend who's giving us a house. I think she's currently moving out of it or something like that so we're just waiting until she moves out. The thing is...we were supposed to be moved in around August 15. It's almost a month later. Not only that, my mom is not communicating with me whatsoever. She doesn't text or call me or even ask how I'm doing. The last time I texted her, I sent a whole paragraph explaining how I feel useless and how I'm just a burden to everyone and guess what? She never texted back. Wow. Thanks, Mom. Glad you're there to listen to me. And I know she saw the message because she out of the blue texted me that she was one of my friends at Dominos. Like cool. Don't care. Just like how you don't care about my feelings. And that was August 9, by the way. It's now September 11. What the fuck. You would think she would try to keep in contact with me, but I guess not. Sometimes I wonder if she's just dead. This is so annoying because I just want to be with my dog again. I miss her so much. And the last time I checked, she's with Sonny so obviously, this is making me fucking paranoid because I don't know how she's doing and she's stuck with that piece of shit. I actually had a dream the other night that my dog got severely injured and I woke up crying. It all felt so real. I just want to see her. And I'm sure she misses me too because she HATES Sonny. I just hope she's okay...

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