Entry 9

337 17 13

January 14, 2019
2:05 A.M.

Holy fucking shit. The night I just had. I was going to wait till I got up from school to write this, but I can't fall asleep so I'll do it now. My mom and I just got kicked out of our house. I'm at my grandparents' house right now and my mom is at her friend Kara's house right now with my dog, Lady. So what the fuck happened? I'll tell you. So my mom is no longer with that piece of shit boyfriend no more. They're done. Tonight was the straw. Shit got violent as fuck. This all started because of some jacket that appeared in the house. My mom's boyfriend (well, ex now. You know what? I'm just going to call him Sonny. That's his name.), so Sonny thought my mom was cheating on him because of the jacket. He thought it was a jacket that belonged to a guy she was with. She told him that wasn't the case and that she wasn't cheating on him, and that she don't know where the jacket came from. But of course, Sonny (who's drunk off his ass) accuses her of lying and says that she is cheating. I'm on my mom's side because I was sure that the jacket belonged to my older brother, Sean (Remember him? Lol). Anyway, so I mentioned I thought it was Sean's and Sonny's all like "No, that's not Sean's! I know damn well that's not his! He would never wear anything like that!" Yeah, whatever. So my mom even called Sean to ask him about the jacket and guess what? Sean himself confirmed that the jacket was his from like middle school. But no. That's not good enough for Sonny. My mom's still lying, even though Sean proved she wasn't. Of course, the fight escalates as it always does. But then they got physical. Sonny starts breaking shit, like the door and stuff. And he pushed everything off the kitchen counter, destroyed the glass table which one of the shards cut my mom's foot. So that's domestic abuse. I mean, beforehand was, but the fact he's destroying shit in front of me and harming my mom...yeah, definitely domestic abuse. My mom hit him in the face at some point and they kept fighting and the whole time, I just yelled "STOP!!! STOP!!!" at the top of my lungs, as loud as I could. But of course, they don't listen to me. The child don't matter. I started hitting them with my dog's leash in hopes to stop them, not be violent, but of course Sonny takes it that way. But in the end, I told Sean everything and he called my grandparents on my father side and they came to pick me up and they took me here to a safe place. My mom went with my dog, Lady to her friend, Kara's house because my grandparents have cats and they're not friendly with dogs. So yeah. I'm here now. So I'm emotionally and mentally scarred for life. I'll go more in description with what the fight all together consisted of later, but right now I'm going to try to sleep since I got school, lol. I don't know. Should I even go to school with everything that happened? I think it'd be reasonable to stay home for a day so I can relax. I don't know. Anyway, I hate life. Story of Zoë.

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