Entry 49

89 5 2

July 7, 2019
2:02 P.M.

Dude, that was so scary. So I don't know if I've told you this, but the house I'm living in is not pet friendly. The landlord, Peter just has no idea Lady is in the house. So anyway, because everyone loves to yell for some weird reason (so fucking annoying), but I suddenly heard Michelle yelled "Hey, it's Peter!" I hear his Chinese accent and I'm just like "Are you fucking kidding me?" These people really invited him into the house when Lady is in the house? Y'all have no idea how hard it was to keep Lady from howling because she does that when someone she doesn't know is in the house. So good god he left quickly because that was so scary. I was so scared of him finding out Lady was here and kicking us out.

But apparently, my mom had not paid the rent. He said if the rent isn't paid in 3 days, we're out. I know my mom did this on purpose to be a stubborn bitch. And I know we plan on moving out soon, but I don't think getting us kicked out of the house we currently live in is a good idea. I even told her that, but like normal, she doesn't listen to anything I say. So if I'm kicked out of my house and is in my grandparents' house again, I'm going to be pissed. It's ridiculous. But that's my life. Normal bullshit. I seriously need to just run for real.

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